Created 2,000-horsepower electric dragster, accelerates to 320 km/h

One of the founding fathers of drag racing don Garlits is going to set his next record. This time the fully-electric dragster. If it reaches its goal, the current speed record of electric cars on the quarter-mile be broken by more than 60 km/h. an Attempt will be made behind the wheel of a car with an interesting name Swamp Rat 37 ("Swamp rat 37"). The electric car features a lithium-polymer battery, consisting of four blocks. Each of them contains 300 elements, forming a total of 1,200 cells. This battery produces peak 420 with a current of 3600 A. the movement of the dragster lead six DC motors from General Electric. The entire installation produces 1500 kW, i.e. more than 2000 l/s. Although by the standards of the quick fuel drag monster with a capacity of 8000 l/s, it's not so much.

Look at test start electric dragster the SR-37 on this video:
Electric drag racing there the first year, and cars like White Zombie has managed to show the skeptics the potential of the electric traction. The current speed record on the quarter mile among the electric dragsters, delivered in 2007, is 250 km/h And the fastest electric car is the Buckeye Bullet, which is able to accelerate up to 495 km/h.
Source: techcult.ru
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