Interesting facts and history about purses

What do you know about your purse? Many, of course, only what he's meant to store money, where it was purchased and how old he is. However, the wallet has a long history. In addition, many argue that he is endowed with a special magic and attracts cash flows. Let's try to understand what it is actually.

Explanations of such concepts as "wallet" quite a lot, however, you should pay attention to the fact that in the first place, it performs a most important function – keeping the money. These essential things since the XI century was very popular in Russia. Such a thing has been discovered by archaeologists in Novgorod, and thanks to her were established this date. The prototype of the modern purse was a cloth purse on top, that contracts with a special cord. Thus, how to lose a lot of money and very little detail, it was almost impossible. In such "wallets", as a rule, were kept not only cash, but also a special folding scales with small weights. They were intended to ensure that the owner could accept as payment not only money but also precious stones and metals, after making the assessment.

In ancient Egypt, the purse had a shape that resembles a fabric bag, which is attached to the side. Image of these purses can be seen on the frescoes. This purse was not only "house" money, as well as a repository of precious stones and rare herbs.

In ancient China and Japan wallet was the drawstring. The fact that in those days coins had no denominations, and distinguished them on the holes done in the middle of the coin. The lace just fell through the holes, and the value can be determined only by its weight.

Only the Romans had thought to use for the manufacture of wallets are leather. People decorated purses not only embroidery, but also the stones, not rarely precious. On this purse, you can determine how much a person is wealthy. At this time the purse became an important decoration of the beautiful half of humanity. In Ancient Rome wallets for women became not only the chief ornament and fulfill their direct function, but also served as the beauticians.
In the middle ages, purses were made of different shapes, presenting them in a lyre-shaped frame, which was upholstered in various fabrics embroidered with precious threads. In Russia in the XVII century there were purses and wallets. They were designed to store paper notes.

To date, this accessory is an integral part of every modern citizen. Their diversity will satisfy even the most demanding connoisseurs. You have the opportunity to choose for themselves not only the style, but the texture of the purse. For the manufacture of modern purses use a variety of the leather: crocodile, snake, ostrich, Stingray and many others. By the way, please note that the producers of famous brands to become increasingly difficult to surprise the modern world high-tech production lines. Into fashion faster includes handmade accessories.
For those who didn't know: a purse as a gift is perfect family. Just do not forget about that empty to do this in any case impossible. Purse abhors a vacuum, as signs and their functionality. Here's helpful advice for the purchase of wallet: when you buy this accessory, make sure that notes it are convenient, do not crumple and do not bend.
More speed dials new science – citologia. People who have dedicated their life to this matter, claim that for a purse, ideal black color, brown and all shades of metals: silver, bronze, gold and all shades of yellow.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua