Photo essay—the fabulous eco-house in Devonshire+video
The Devon is unique in its beauty. Houses, buried in greenery and flowers, takes us back in Andersen's fairy tales. Think it was supposed to be a magical courtyard of the witch from “Snow Queen”. The residents of the County are very friendly, hardworking and very concerned about environmental issues. Landscaping and the construction of ecological materials here usual thing.
Twenty years from now you'll not regret about what you did and what did not. So throw off the nodes arise from safe havens. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Open.© Mark TWAIN
Source: /users/1077

Twenty years from now you'll not regret about what you did and what did not. So throw off the nodes arise from safe havens. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Open.© Mark TWAIN
Source: /users/1077