Obesity can defeat screening
Recently, the doctors of Russia noted more and more the tendency to obesity of the Russian population. It is important that not only the moment of aesthetics, but also the number of dangerous diseases that are caused by obesity, namely, type II diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke.
To prevent the obesity is possible using conventional tests.
With age, the metabolism in the body slows down, which in turn means that the portion of food is digested and absorbed by the body quickly, as it did in youth.
In this case the new cells do not appear in the quantities in which they appear in childhood and in adolescence. Still and fatty foods with a sedentary lifestyle inhibit these processes. In the end, instead of a slender, toned figure of a man gradually acquires the form of "Apple".
Often metabolic processes may be slowed down also due to the use of products that contribute to that. For example, pork and potatoes. Replacing them with analogs, you can improve the health and tighten your figure.
To determine which products are suitable for a particular person "screening".
This extensive study, which is based on the analysis of human blood. For the study, patients takes a small amount of blood, then, according to the health indicators to determine which products are most appropriate directly to him.
Experts argue that screening conducted in a timely manner will help to reduce risks associated with dangerous diseases, and also improves the quality of life of the person.
Source: globalscience.ru
To prevent the obesity is possible using conventional tests.
With age, the metabolism in the body slows down, which in turn means that the portion of food is digested and absorbed by the body quickly, as it did in youth.
In this case the new cells do not appear in the quantities in which they appear in childhood and in adolescence. Still and fatty foods with a sedentary lifestyle inhibit these processes. In the end, instead of a slender, toned figure of a man gradually acquires the form of "Apple".
Often metabolic processes may be slowed down also due to the use of products that contribute to that. For example, pork and potatoes. Replacing them with analogs, you can improve the health and tighten your figure.
To determine which products are suitable for a particular person "screening".
This extensive study, which is based on the analysis of human blood. For the study, patients takes a small amount of blood, then, according to the health indicators to determine which products are most appropriate directly to him.
Experts argue that screening conducted in a timely manner will help to reduce risks associated with dangerous diseases, and also improves the quality of life of the person.
Source: globalscience.ru