New Esquoia notebook will save trees
The notebook has the properties of a school board and a unique pen technology, with which you can not only record information, but also erase. Four enterprising students try to conquer the world with the help of a new generation of notebooks. These notebooks will help reduce paper consumption and change the usual vision of notebooks. The guys launched their idea on a popular financial platform, where they plan to find financial support for thousands of users of the site.
Original and simple.
The idea of Valdemar Tunkevich, Danatas Beksha, Boris Livet and Daniel Gonzales Casas is original and simple. The young team presents a reusable notebook Esquoia. The notebook has the properties of a school board and a unique pen technology, with which you can not only record information, but also erase.
The unique combination of paper coating and pen ink makes it convenient to write and effectively erase what has been written.
The essence of the idea is that the paper is covered with a special material, and the ink of the pens dries quickly. The ink does not dry quickly when rubbing with your hand. Using special erases, everything written can be easily and cleanly erased. This combination gives a different feeling compared to ordinary notebooks. Paper is also water resistant.
“In creating this product, we did a lot of testing and eventually found the best combination of materials that allows you to achieve the best results,” said Valdemar.
These notebooks transfer the properties of the blackboard from the wall to the table. Most of all, this notebook is suitable for schoolchildren, students, businessmen, journalists. In general, all those who write a lot, plan, draw, make sketches, etc.
They are looking for support on the Kickstarter platform.
On May 7, the authors presented their idea on the Kickstarter platform. It is the world’s largest financial platform with millions of registered people.
Authors of projects have the opportunity to publicly present their idea, specify the amount for the implementation of the idea and the time for which the required amount should be collected. Any user of the website can support the project.
The creators of the notebook are asking for 7.5 thousand British pounds. That’s how much it takes to make notebooks available to people at a reasonable price.
We hope that after the company on Kickstarter, within 12 months, the notebook will appear in half of the countries of the world, which will help to spread the idea even further.
The authors of the idea do not doubt the success of their product, as they believe that they propose an innovative, environmentally friendly and efficient product.
Our notebooks help to be organized and not store information far on the shelf among many books. Knowing that the information will then need to be erased, people will remember more and faster, without putting it off.
The book is ecological and represents the design of products of the future.
Notebooks are made of high-quality material from beginning to end: paper, covers and stitching sheets.
All this allows you to be sure that the notebook will last a long time.
So the authors of the project hope to reduce the amount of paper consumed. They think that notebooks of new tingling will help people achieve better results, stimulating their thinking and creativity.
Awarding Prince Andrew, Duke of York
The creators of the reusable Esquoia notebook are studying at the University of Bradford in England. They develop their idea in the business center of the university, which helps to improve and develop their entrepreneurial abilities. Each year, universities nominate the best student entrepreneurs and their team for the Prince Andrew Award, which organized this competition to stimulate and develop students.
This year, an international team of four students was honored to represent their university, creating a new Esquoia notebook that could change society’s attitudes toward paper overconsumption and environmental improvement.
Source: www.ridus.ru
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