Liquid crystals in the role of lubricants – a new technology

German engineers have developed a new efficient lubricant based on liquid crystals. The bearings of mechanisms can operate virtually without friction or wear and tear.
Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute have developed a completely new class of lubricants: liquid lubricants, in which the liquid crystal molecules between the two moving surfaces are attached in such a way that the frictional resistance is extremely low. This allows the machines and mechanisation, you can work almost without friction. The liquid crystals used in liquid crystal displays (LCD) TV screens, mobile phones or touch screens. Unusual idea to use them as a lubricant was proposed by the company Nematel GmbH.
Dr. Andreas Skyler says: "When using liquid crystals as lubricant between two surfaces that slide past each other, the molecules line up parallel to each other in ordered boundary layers. Thus, its molecules are long and thin. These layers are very stable, easily slide over each other, making friction and wear is minimal.
Dr. Tobias Amann tested different liquid crystals, conducted experiments with various metals: iron, copper, ceramic alloys. In the end, it turned out the prototype of a unique lubricant to the steel bearings.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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