The fact in the Treasury of the evidence of the ether
"What is life after death, and whether she did? Dr. Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona in solidarity with those who believes that after death his consciousness disappeared. According to the theory of American anesthesiologist, the human soul is immortal and the afterlife is real. He calls people by "quantum computers" which main program is consciousness. After the death of quantum particles, which constitute the soul leave the body and go into space, forever becoming a part of the Universe, — says Stuart Hameroff".
In other words, after the death of the body the human consciousness does not die, but becomes a part of the universal information field. According to the British physicist Roger Penrose who helped the American study, the particles of the human soul are special microtubules, located in the brain cells. Penrose and Hameroff say that our consciousness is the result of processes occurring in these microtubules.
"Thus, the human soul is something more than just the interaction of neurons in the brain. It consists of the very fabric of the Universe and, most likely, has existed since time immemorial. Maybe Consciousness was in space even before the emergence of the Earth," — says Stuart Hameroff.
As confirmation of his theory, scientists give the impression of people who experienced clinical death. Often the last one to say that I saw a bright light and quickly flew through some kind of tunnel. Researchers believe that at this point the quantum information in the microtubules, were transferred to the space, and then, when the doctors had to revive the person rapidly came back.
That is, these scientists almost literally reiterate what I started to say at the end of the last century, but they have still problem in order to describe the consciousness of man (his Soul) and find the Soul habitat outside of the body. Yes, these two scientists have already begun to come close to my conclusions — they can already see the consciousness in the form of a computer, but still no idea what this computer is designed. Hence the blah-blah-blah about the quants, which physicists used to call everything that is not able to understand, and made me smile "information field", "the fabric of the Universe" and (since the information came after her treatment in India) mandatory hint that the human soul "stayed in space even before the emergence of the Earth."
The message ends: "of Course, the theory Hameroff and Penrose was ambiguously met by the scientific community, but to refute them until nobody could".
This is natural, since only the Soviet Union and Russia, higher education, even in the exact Sciences do not get to achieve success in this field of knowledge, and in order to serve in the army and not to work with your hands. And that higher education breeds degreed morons that can easily refute anything the impenetrable argument that so say the priests or gurus of all stripes, especially with the moniker "serious scientists". But in the West scientists are not in a hurry to demonstrate his idiocy bare denial of the fact that they are not able to explain to, and therefore did not rush to refute the arguments Hameroff and Penrose.
But you can see the error Hameroff and Penrose — they, I repeat, are not talking about the functioning of consciousness in the form of a structured field, as in a real computer, and in their explanations I'm saying. And do blah-blah-blah about some unlikely and they understand that "quantum" computer (translated into Russian language the concept of quantum computer, composed of particles or portions of something). And if I find a place the Soul crystal on the substrate ether, Hameroff and Penrose remains a problem with where the soul of the place, therefore, they shove her in a silly "information field".
And now the second news. It's about the crystal air, which according to my theory the Soul is there. But first, a bit from Wikipedia to understand the meaning of the news.
There is a physical phenomenon of "birefringence". That's what we are. There are clear crystals, whose physical properties in all directions are equal, such crystals are called isotropic, but this word for us has no value. The main thing here is that if you pass through such crystals the light, then he will pass through them unchanged — with one beam — the way we see the world through ordinary window glass. And there are anisotropic crystals that have properties in different directions are different. So, a beam of light passing through anisotropic crystals is split into two beams. If you like this crystal clear, for example, a calcite crystal will place the text this text is using clear crystal see not as through, say, glass, and forked.
However, if the crystal is isotropic, that is, such that the light is not razdvigaet, and influence of the crystal electric force, magnetic fields or mechanical compress this crystal, the crystal will acquire the properties of the anisotropic and will also bisect the beam of light.
And now, look, if ether exists, if the world vacuum is not emptiness, a crystal of ether (as I claim), then if the crystal of air pressure, say, gravity or magnetic field passing through such a busy section of the air beam of light is required to bifurcate. Accordingly, if near some large or very magnetic mass (big star) passing a beam of light splits, it means only one thing — there are no stupid vacuum stupid "emptiness", even if you call the physical vacuum. And all space is filled by ether, and this ether has the property of the crystal. That this is so is proved primarily by the wave nature of light and many other phenomena, but now, as you can see, there is another proof in this piggy Bank. (By the way, this message was sent to me A. Baranov, what surprised me, and therefore I am grateful). So.
Italian and Polish physicists first observed vacuum properties, the existence of which was predicted in the 1930-ies of quantum electrodynamics.
Explanatory video:
Observations have shown that the quantum vacuum is subject to the effect of birefringence. "In the framework of quantum electrodynamics strongly magnetized vacuum in relation to the propagation of light behaves like a prism. This effect is called double refraction in a vacuum," said study leader Roberto Mignani.
Analysis of data has allowed scientists to discover significant, at about 16 percent, linear polarization. Astrophysics interpreted it as a consequence of the effect of vacuum birefringence in the space surrounding the neutron star RX J1856.5-3754.
To observe this phenomenon, given the possibilities of modern measuring equipment, only in superstrong magnetic fields. Such conditions are present near the neutron star — RX J1856.5-3754, a distance of about 400 light years from Earth, astrophysicists have observed with the very large telescope of the European southern Observatory situated in Chile.
Double refraction in a vacuum is theoretically predicted about 80 years ago in the works of physicists Werner Heisenberg and Hans Euler. Scientists first received observational confirmation of the existence of quantum phenomena.
Do not pay attention to anything — to any quanta, except that the light passing by the star, affecting the surrounding area (the surrounding ether) strong magnetic field splits. This is important. It thereby affirms that all space is filled with what is called ether. And what physicists call the ether of emptiness, but one which is filled with "virtual particles", but it still must be considered void it is we are the physics.
Also interesting: the Phaistos disk created 3700 years ago, the decrypted
What is "to be awake" from the point of view of neuroscience
Thus, this fact lies in the Treasury of how and where our Souls live after death.
However, fact says nothing about how Souls live there — normal or not? published
Author: Mukhin
Source: matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/4627890.html
In other words, after the death of the body the human consciousness does not die, but becomes a part of the universal information field. According to the British physicist Roger Penrose who helped the American study, the particles of the human soul are special microtubules, located in the brain cells. Penrose and Hameroff say that our consciousness is the result of processes occurring in these microtubules.

"Thus, the human soul is something more than just the interaction of neurons in the brain. It consists of the very fabric of the Universe and, most likely, has existed since time immemorial. Maybe Consciousness was in space even before the emergence of the Earth," — says Stuart Hameroff.
As confirmation of his theory, scientists give the impression of people who experienced clinical death. Often the last one to say that I saw a bright light and quickly flew through some kind of tunnel. Researchers believe that at this point the quantum information in the microtubules, were transferred to the space, and then, when the doctors had to revive the person rapidly came back.
That is, these scientists almost literally reiterate what I started to say at the end of the last century, but they have still problem in order to describe the consciousness of man (his Soul) and find the Soul habitat outside of the body. Yes, these two scientists have already begun to come close to my conclusions — they can already see the consciousness in the form of a computer, but still no idea what this computer is designed. Hence the blah-blah-blah about the quants, which physicists used to call everything that is not able to understand, and made me smile "information field", "the fabric of the Universe" and (since the information came after her treatment in India) mandatory hint that the human soul "stayed in space even before the emergence of the Earth."
The message ends: "of Course, the theory Hameroff and Penrose was ambiguously met by the scientific community, but to refute them until nobody could".
This is natural, since only the Soviet Union and Russia, higher education, even in the exact Sciences do not get to achieve success in this field of knowledge, and in order to serve in the army and not to work with your hands. And that higher education breeds degreed morons that can easily refute anything the impenetrable argument that so say the priests or gurus of all stripes, especially with the moniker "serious scientists". But in the West scientists are not in a hurry to demonstrate his idiocy bare denial of the fact that they are not able to explain to, and therefore did not rush to refute the arguments Hameroff and Penrose.
But you can see the error Hameroff and Penrose — they, I repeat, are not talking about the functioning of consciousness in the form of a structured field, as in a real computer, and in their explanations I'm saying. And do blah-blah-blah about some unlikely and they understand that "quantum" computer (translated into Russian language the concept of quantum computer, composed of particles or portions of something). And if I find a place the Soul crystal on the substrate ether, Hameroff and Penrose remains a problem with where the soul of the place, therefore, they shove her in a silly "information field".

And now the second news. It's about the crystal air, which according to my theory the Soul is there. But first, a bit from Wikipedia to understand the meaning of the news.
There is a physical phenomenon of "birefringence". That's what we are. There are clear crystals, whose physical properties in all directions are equal, such crystals are called isotropic, but this word for us has no value. The main thing here is that if you pass through such crystals the light, then he will pass through them unchanged — with one beam — the way we see the world through ordinary window glass. And there are anisotropic crystals that have properties in different directions are different. So, a beam of light passing through anisotropic crystals is split into two beams. If you like this crystal clear, for example, a calcite crystal will place the text this text is using clear crystal see not as through, say, glass, and forked.
However, if the crystal is isotropic, that is, such that the light is not razdvigaet, and influence of the crystal electric force, magnetic fields or mechanical compress this crystal, the crystal will acquire the properties of the anisotropic and will also bisect the beam of light.
And now, look, if ether exists, if the world vacuum is not emptiness, a crystal of ether (as I claim), then if the crystal of air pressure, say, gravity or magnetic field passing through such a busy section of the air beam of light is required to bifurcate. Accordingly, if near some large or very magnetic mass (big star) passing a beam of light splits, it means only one thing — there are no stupid vacuum stupid "emptiness", even if you call the physical vacuum. And all space is filled by ether, and this ether has the property of the crystal. That this is so is proved primarily by the wave nature of light and many other phenomena, but now, as you can see, there is another proof in this piggy Bank. (By the way, this message was sent to me A. Baranov, what surprised me, and therefore I am grateful). So.
Italian and Polish physicists first observed vacuum properties, the existence of which was predicted in the 1930-ies of quantum electrodynamics.
Explanatory video:
Observations have shown that the quantum vacuum is subject to the effect of birefringence. "In the framework of quantum electrodynamics strongly magnetized vacuum in relation to the propagation of light behaves like a prism. This effect is called double refraction in a vacuum," said study leader Roberto Mignani.
Analysis of data has allowed scientists to discover significant, at about 16 percent, linear polarization. Astrophysics interpreted it as a consequence of the effect of vacuum birefringence in the space surrounding the neutron star RX J1856.5-3754.
To observe this phenomenon, given the possibilities of modern measuring equipment, only in superstrong magnetic fields. Such conditions are present near the neutron star — RX J1856.5-3754, a distance of about 400 light years from Earth, astrophysicists have observed with the very large telescope of the European southern Observatory situated in Chile.
Double refraction in a vacuum is theoretically predicted about 80 years ago in the works of physicists Werner Heisenberg and Hans Euler. Scientists first received observational confirmation of the existence of quantum phenomena.
Do not pay attention to anything — to any quanta, except that the light passing by the star, affecting the surrounding area (the surrounding ether) strong magnetic field splits. This is important. It thereby affirms that all space is filled with what is called ether. And what physicists call the ether of emptiness, but one which is filled with "virtual particles", but it still must be considered void it is we are the physics.
Also interesting: the Phaistos disk created 3700 years ago, the decrypted
What is "to be awake" from the point of view of neuroscience
Thus, this fact lies in the Treasury of how and where our Souls live after death.
However, fact says nothing about how Souls live there — normal or not? published
Author: Mukhin
Source: matveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/4627890.html
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