Deadly stones and minerals

We often ask the question whether the ground beneath our feet to swallow us. In fact, more and more insidious than we thought. Throw a stone that you just picked up ... you can get poisoned. This list contains the ten most toxic and potentially deadly minerals that crystallize in rocks and are dangerously deceptive stone beauty. These stones can cause serious damage to your health, even without someone threw them in you. 10. Koloradoit (Coloradoite)

Koloradoit - a newly discovered crystalline mineral normally found in the veins of magma. This mineral is a compound of mercury telluride is formed during alloy of mercury with tellurium, another extremely toxic and rare metals. Therefore koloradoit is a double-toxic threat to those who dare to take it in hand. The combination of these two elements creates a risk of serious injury if frivolous appeal. When heated or chemical changes, this strange mineral releases deadly vapor and dust. What is most interesting - this mineral is mined for tellurium contained in it. Tellurium minerals can also be found in combination with gold, but the earlier of such combinations has not been known. By a strange fate would koloradoita deposits developed in Australia during the gold rush unusual after people realized that the stones tellurium containing gold, fill potholes in the roads. 9. Chalcanthite (Chalcanthite)

Tempting bluestone blue crystals composed of copper, in combination with sulfur and other elements, as well as water. This composition makes the copper which is required for the organism, but which becomes toxic in excessive quantities and in very bio-available crystal. In other words, the copper becomes soluble in water and may be absorbed in large quantities in any plant or animal, rapidly weakening it, and then killing due to the fact that the important internal organs stop functioning. Scientists fans should never try to Chalcanthite salt content, because in this case they may happen extremely serious copper poisoning. Simple production of the crystal of the blue mineral killed all the algae pond at large, in addition, these crystals can create significant environmental problems. Because of the incredible beauty and rarity of bluestone, within the geological community appeared enterprise engaged in the cultivation of artificial crystals for sale that are advertised as authentic samples. 8. Hutchinson (Hutchinsonite)

Thallium - a grim counterpart lead. This dense, oily metal similar to lead in their atomic masses, but is even more deadly. Thallium is a rare metal that appears in a very toxic compound consisting of a rather strange combinations of elements. Effects of thallium even more strange, and include hair loss, serious illness in contact with skin and in many cases lead to death. Hutchinson is dangerous but amazing mixture of thallium, lead, and arsenic. Three toxic metals form a lethal cocktail of minerals, which must be handled with great care. Hutchinson was named in honor of John Hutchinson (John Hutchinson), known mineralogist from Cambridge University. This mineral can be found in the mountainous regions of Europe, mostly in the fields of ore. 7. Galena (Galena)

Galena ore, is the main used for the production of lead. It is a shiny silver cubes unnaturally perfect shape. Despite the fact that lead is usually very flexible, the sulfur content in galena makes it extremely brittle and amenable to chemical processing. Galena can cause serious consequences for workers and researchers amateur, who worked with him without a security measure. Work samples may lead to inhalation of dust. The workers in the mines are at high risk of poisoning from contact with minerals and deadly dust generated during production. After extraction of lead from this mineral pose an environmental threat to human health during his treatment and purification. Galena has a cubic fracture process, and if you hit it with a hammer, the crystal will collapse into several smaller copies of his original form. 6. Asbestos (Asbestos)
Chrysotile (Chrysotile) and amphibole (Amphibolite)

Asbestos - it is not an artificial product, however, it is one of the worst minerals on the planet. While other minerals act as toxins because of their chemical composition and accidental poisoning victims of asbestos to the fullest conducts mechanical diversion in human lung. Asbestos refers to a fully natural minerals and category consists of silicon dioxide - the most abundant mineral in the earth solids, iron, sodium and oxygen. The deposits are composed of clusters of asbestos thousand tiny whiskers, which can become airborne. They can also easily get into your lungs. Carcinogenic effects occur due to permanent irritation of lung tissue, resulting in scarring. Education asbestos can be found among any set of siliceous rocks, so the study of these rocks have to comply with the relevant safety regulations. Oddly enough, the natural weathering leads to the spread of natural asbestos in the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, many people in the lungs can be found a small amount of asbestos fibers. 5. Arsenopyrite (Arsenopyrite)

Arsenopyrite - is fool's gold, but with a slight difference. Man, confusing it with gold, is not just a fool. Equally silly solution is picking up this mineral from the earth during the campaign for a career, and continued use of the hands, which visited this mineral for cooking and eating. Arsenopyrite is iron sulphide and arsenic, which refers to the same type of mineral that pyrite (fools gold or iron sulfide), the difference is that in addition it has a heavy arsenic. When you try to heat or any change in the mineral, he begins to exude a strong garlic odor of arsenic, which comes from the deadly toxic, corrosive and carcinogenic fumes produced by this mineral. Even the processing of this mineral causes a person to contact with volatile sulfur salts of arsenic. It is interesting that arsenopyrite can be determined simply by hitting it with a hammer. As soon as the sparks will fly, you can for a brief moment to feel a strong smell of garlic. 4. Thorburn (Torbernite)

Thorburn is a mineral from hell. Green prisms are formed as secondary deposits in the granite rocks, and consist of uranium. Formed during the complex reaction between phosphorus, copper, uranium and water, stunning cluster of crystals often tempted collectors of its kind, so people took samples of these minerals for their collections, arranged on the shelves. If the decay of uranium in Chernobyl was not enough, a deadly gas radon can cause lung cancer, slowly from these beautiful stones. This is the crystal that should be left alone. Thorburn can be found in the granite, so your granite countertop can easily contain traces torbernita. Bright green clusters of crystals are used as indicators of miners of uranium deposits. 3. Stibnite (Stibnite)

Antimony sulfide is stibnite, but looks as silver. For this reason, huge, shiny metallic crystals of this unstable compound used once to tide excellent dishes. However, the crystals in the form of a sword brought death to all those who have used them. Stibnite crystals interspersed with antimony killed a considerable number of people, before it became known that the use of this mineral is one of the worst food poisoning. Even if stibnite samples collected for the collection, they should be treated with great care to avoid poisoning. It is recommended to wash your hands after any contact with this mineral. In the mines near Osaka in Japan made the best crystals of stibnite in the world, their size reaches 30 centimeters in length. Most samples stibnite like miniature spiers. 2. Orpiment (Orpiment)

The only thing that may be worse than that stone of arsenic consisting of arsenic and sulfur. Lethal and reactive crystals orpiment grow under the ground in the form of mineral formations, often near hydrothermal vents. Orpiment colors look pretty tempting, but if you take it in the hands of the crystals it will highlight the carcinogenic, neurotoxic arsenic powder. The Chinese are widely used this mineral as well as cinnabar, but only with much more dire consequences. In rastolchёnnye samples of this stone fell arrows, which are then used against enemies to poison - a rather clever way of throwing stones. Orpiment is famous for the fact that it emits a strong odor of garlic because of the content of arsenic in it. It can also be scattered into a dangerous powder when exposed to light. This mineral is used as the main component for the production of ocher paint, and probably poisoned many of the artists who have used it. 1. Cinnabar (Cinnabar)

Cinnabar (mercuric sulfide) is the most toxic minerals for the treatment of all creatures on earth. Name of the crystal means "dragon's blood". It is from cinnabar ore mined mercury. Formed near volcanoes and sulfur deposits bright red crystals signal the most terrible danger. Cinnabar pure mercury is capable of releasing during processing or heating, resulting in seizures occur in humans, there is a loss of sensitivity occurs and death. In the Middle Ages, and at the end of the 1700s to be directed to work in the Spanish mines, containing cinnabar education was considered practically a death sentence. Cinnabar is widely used in Chinese history for making decorative dishes for food, and also of her pieces were created carvings bizarre, sometimes at the expense of the lives of artisans. Even more incredible is that some of the ancient physicians believed that cinnabar contain healing properties, and prescribed it to treat certain diseases.
Source: www.bugaga.ru/interesting/1146737738-10-samyh-smertelno-opasnyh-kamney-i-mineralov.html