The drilling of the well in the garden
- Drilling our wells was carried out with special equipment. The whole process took 3 days.
- The drilling process When drilling into the ground is inserted into the casing pipe. We used a metallic suture tube with a diameter of 15 cm and a thickness of 2 mm.
Upon completion of the work on the well is given technical data sheet, which specifies its characteristics. It looks like this:
The installation of the necessary equipment for well1. Caisson
For starters, the well was available to us at any time of the year, constructed the caisson. It is a welded construction made of metal with a hole at the top, it has a cylindrical shape with a ladder inside for easy access to the tube wells. The caisson is "recessed" into the soil to a depth of soil freezing, in winter the well would not freeze.
The sizes of our box: height — 2 m (from the bottom to the manhole), diameter — 1 m.2. Cover on the pipe bore with the outlet under HDPE pipe
On the pipe bore it is necessary to provide a cap in which is inserted a conventional pipe HDPE (polyethylene of low pressure) for supplying water to the house. We cover such a plan:
3. HDPE pipe
Calculate the yardage based on the depth of the well, plus the plot for institution of water into the house.
4. Deep pump submersible
The main thing here is to choose a pump that will cope with the lifting of water from wells of such depth of 100 m and more. Usually in the artesian wells are used in centrifugal pumps.
5. Check valve
Need to pumped water did not fall through the pump back into the well.
6. Stainless steel cable to hold the pump.

Technology institution of water from the well to the house From the caisson to a depth of 2 m, we dug a trench width of 40 cm, the trench was laid HDPE pipe, the cable from the deep-well pump and buried. Hole for water to the house must be below the level of soil freezing. We have this hole was pre-planned during the construction of the Foundation.
Equipment for water into the house When the well equipped, laid in a trench HDPE pipe and cable to power the pump, start the event with the institution of water into the house. It took us:
1. Membrane tank 100 l — the accumulator to store water and create pressure in the system.
2. Pressure switch — for constant pressure at the tap.
3. Radial pressure gauge — shows the pressure in the system.
4. Flexible hose for connection of the accumulator.
5. Magnetic filter for water purification from impurities of iron.
All collected, connected and enjoying the fresh water from the depths of mother earth. Now you can not depend on the capricious water supply in the suburban area... especially in the hours of irrigation.
Source: www.7dach.ru