Smart cat plays a smart game "Jenga"

The video is presented on youtube, was discovered by a cat, which with enviable ease playing a puzzle game called "Jenga"

On the video channel, it is possible to observe how the feline meticulously and accurately identifies and deletes in-one "brick" after another, over and over again in an intense game of "Jenga" with his owner.

Not having human fingers, which, of course I would love to play this toy, the animal boldly jabs at bottom bricks until they're removed without collapse of the entire system.

But the atmosphere rapidly turns into a vicious when the animal rushes forward and swipes on the top layer paw.

In the video it is interesting to observe how there is a thought process of the animal, seen as it is long and carefully thinks what to do next.

For reference. Puzzle Jenga ("jenga") Hasbro — an ancient game that develops a sense of balance and coordination, requires patience and caution, the game is a gambling.
