Chinese scientists Internet addiction is recognized as a narcotic
Forty two million four hundred forty three thousand eight hundred forty four
In accordance with studies conducted by a group of Chinese scholars on the topic of the impact of social networking on the emotional state of a person, addiction to them can be equated to the narcotics threat.
For making such an extraordinary conclusion, the scientists decided to conduct a simple research study involving to a large group of persons aged fourteen to twenty-two years. Young people involved in this experimental study, independently decided to show their interest.
The results of the study proved that the majority of people replying with the corresponding requirement of a simple questionnaire, suffering from addiction to the Internet, a daily presence in the social network and spending on their pages a lot of your precious time. Get your hands on the conclusion of scientists, project leaders drew up a document with a number of tips to young people to minimize their time when visiting the social media pages.
Source: globalscience.ru
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