Modern inventions from the past (10 pictures)
Many modern inventions were brought to life many years ago.
For a long time before modern born inventors who gave a second life to the ideas of the past.
13 stunning contemporary sculptures that make you fall in love with them at first sight.
11 Examples of useful infographic about food. I do not know about you, but I do hang them on the refrigerator!
20 modern and funny sayings, which you haven't heard
It is a pity for Europeans that because of the heat they undergo terrible tests, what is the situation now in different countries.
20 false Islamic inventions
The eternal present: Kirill Kobrin of Baudelaire, Marx and revolution
They no longer exist
Great people
100 facts about New Zealand through the eyes of Russians
The special effects in the movie:
13 stunning contemporary sculptures that make you fall in love with them at first sight.
11 Examples of useful infographic about food. I do not know about you, but I do hang them on the refrigerator!
20 modern and funny sayings, which you haven't heard
It is a pity for Europeans that because of the heat they undergo terrible tests, what is the situation now in different countries.
20 false Islamic inventions
The eternal present: Kirill Kobrin of Baudelaire, Marx and revolution
They no longer exist
Great people
100 facts about New Zealand through the eyes of Russians
The special effects in the movie:
How to make a glass of ice (6 pictures)
Unusual animals (26 pics + text)