The hidden inhabitant of the Australian continent – a viper-shaped deadly snake
These secretive inhabitants of the Australian continent are not only deadly, but also insidious. Living in forests and bushes, the viper-shaped deadly snake (Latin Acanthophis antarcticus) imitates a viper with both behavior and appearance, the bite of which does not cause such serious consequences as the bite of this voracious predator.
Hiding in the forest litter and remaining invisible due to the light brown protective coloring, the viper-shaped deadly snake always catches its victim by surprise, leaving her no chance of salvation. Like a patient hunter, she waits for days in an ambush, pulling her tail to her head and using it as bait. The circle of taste preferences of the deadly snake is quite wide - it eats not only small mammals and birds, but also other snakes with equal pleasure.
Viper-shaped deadly snake is not slim: its dense compact body with a wide triangular head and narrow neck grows to 70-100 cm in length and its entire upper part is covered with ribbed scales. Dark stripes on the sandy skin perfectly mask their owner among the fallen foliage.
In case of danger, the viper-shaped deadly snake remains immobile, unlike other aspids, taking a threatening posture. And although it is not as dangerous as its neighbor, the desert taipan, which is considered the most venomous land snake, for a person, a meeting with it can very likely end in death.
Females of the viper-shaped deadly snake are viviparous: every year at the end of summer they give birth to 3 to 20 babies.
Source: zoopicture.ru
Hiding in the forest litter and remaining invisible due to the light brown protective coloring, the viper-shaped deadly snake always catches its victim by surprise, leaving her no chance of salvation. Like a patient hunter, she waits for days in an ambush, pulling her tail to her head and using it as bait. The circle of taste preferences of the deadly snake is quite wide - it eats not only small mammals and birds, but also other snakes with equal pleasure.
Viper-shaped deadly snake is not slim: its dense compact body with a wide triangular head and narrow neck grows to 70-100 cm in length and its entire upper part is covered with ribbed scales. Dark stripes on the sandy skin perfectly mask their owner among the fallen foliage.
In case of danger, the viper-shaped deadly snake remains immobile, unlike other aspids, taking a threatening posture. And although it is not as dangerous as its neighbor, the desert taipan, which is considered the most venomous land snake, for a person, a meeting with it can very likely end in death.
Females of the viper-shaped deadly snake are viviparous: every year at the end of summer they give birth to 3 to 20 babies.
Source: zoopicture.ru