The first bus on biofuel from algae

Fuel for bus jointly developed by the Japanese manufacturer of trucks and buses Isuzu and company Euglena. While the share of biofuels from algae is only 1%, but in four years the company plans to create the technology to move to a new type of biofuel at 100%.
Until the bus makes 22 trips daily. Note that this type of algae has long been of interest to Japanese researchers. Earlier it was reported that they were able from the unicellular algae Euglena green to a biodegradable thermoplastic. Unlike other biodegradable heat-resistant plastic polylactide, the new material is able to withstand twice as high a temperature up to 120 degrees.
For diesel vehicles today, biofuel is the most promising among the possible environmental substitutes for gasoline and diesel fuel. The developers acknowledge that neither hydrogen nor electricity do not allow today to solve the main task — the ability to run long distance without refueling.
However, the disadvantage of biofuels still remains high load on the engine. If an ambitious project in Japan is implemented, companies will be able to offer to the market a new type of biofuel, combining all the benefits of this type of fuel.
Source: greenevolution.ru
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