What does the body
Your body is able to talk in detail about how it feels. The body responds to your thoughts faster than you will realize them. Even at that, where the deposited weight, you can learn about the thoughts, desires and aspirations of man. Changing your attitudes, it hurts, changing its shape but still remains the one and only. What can your body tell?

Anorexia is one of the most difficult to treat diseases. From the point of view of psychosomatics, this condition indicates unconscious protest against her mother in search of autonomy. Most often suffer from anorexia of a young girl, mentally fragile, dependent, under the care of their own mothers. If the girl's overbearing mother, there is a risk of the disease anorexia. Further active steps of the same mother at the treatment his child will only worsen the situation. The idea of losing weight is the only available to this category of girls a way to protect and manifest himself.
And I noticed that the complete rejection of "mom's food", the girl may well eat in the cafe, and other places. She cannot openly confront his mother, but in a way responds to excessive pressure with her hand. In order not to aggravate the situation, the mother is better to keep distance and to provide for the daughter's personal space.
Bulimia – uncontrollable bouts of eating. After a bout of binge eating comes a feeling of guilt and subsequent vomiting. The disease also is very closely connected with the psyche. Often just a "beautiful facade" hides a low self esteem and various complexes. The gap between internal and external creates a painful internal conflict. A person looks does not extradite its own internal problems. Demonstrates accepted standards and social. status, spewing itself from the "objectionable" content in solitude, behind the tightly closed door. In each case, you need to very carefully examine the origins of this disease. The problem is solved only a deep inner study of your condition.

The extra weight in psychosomatics is not considered as a single standard with calculations and formulas. First of all, you decide how you are comfortable in your body. Makes sense to change something only in one single case: your forms you uncomfortable. If you eat a lot you is likely to compensate the missing self-care. To adjust your weight, you need to change their stereotypes about food, realize that only you know what you need and useful. It is important to maintain a relationship with himself.
How fat in your body, you can tell about your inner state.
Obesity child type peculiar to the people, preserving the immaturity, the childish perception of the world. They have chubby fingers, chubby cheeks, and, in General, they have a soft, round shapes.
Large forms of the body, creating a feeling of fat but rather a large mass, typical of the "important" people. They try to emphasize its importance, authority, role and occupy a large territory. Sometimes, after the birth of first child, men gain weight, reinforcing the status of the father of the family, women's increasing weight after childbirth, emphasizing the role of the mother-guardian.
The extra weight in the center of the torso, chest, sides is growing, as "armor". People are willing to defend, to withstand any pressure, to hold their territory. Moreover, legs can stay thin.
The obesity of the female type indicates an internal installation "I am mother" for both men and women. This type has a beer belly. It can also indicate "pregnancy ideas."
Thick buttocks talk about that man for a long time displaces the problem of "out of sight", not solving them, and stored in the fifth point. Gain problems weight gain.
So your body is always you happy and not cause trouble, try to solve their problems before they will be "stored" on the sides. Love yourself and take care of your body – it is given to us once and for all life
Source: globalscience.ru