Sugaring at home
Seventy four million two hundred seventy four thousand two hundred ninety eight
Smooth gait and well-maintained slender legs always attracted attention. Using such procedure as the shugaring you can achieve a perfectly flat and smooth skin. What is sugaring, how is this procedure and what are its advantages? Probably every woman wants to be beautiful and attractive. Currently, such industries as beauty gives us the right to choose the appropriate procedure for us to improve the appearance. Sugaring is one of these procedures to learn how to make which can home. Removing unnecessary hairs from the skin surface, applying the hardened sugar paste, called sugaring. A shorter definition shugaring — a sugar epilation. With this method of hair removal in use since ancient times. Sugaring is essentially like waxing. This procedure is is that sugar syrup in a frozen state is applied to the surface of the skin with special wooden sticks. After this section of the glued paper strip. You then sharply to tear off a piece of paper and with it you remove all unwanted hairs.Differences epilation wax shugaring from: From the sugar syrup you are not experiencing any irritation on the skin, unlike wax. — Waxing is acting worse in terms of hair removal than sugar wax. Caramel syrup has a pleasant smell, unlike wax. — After wax procedure, the dishes will not be as easy to wash as after sugar waxing. But nevertheless, waxing has its advantages. Wax mixture to cook is much simpler than the mixture for sugar waxing. For the procedure of sugar hair removal is necessary to have wooden sticks or something like that, paper strips and sugar mixture. To cook the mixture shugaring will need the following components: 300 grams of white granulated sugar, about 40 grams of water, a little lemon juice. Take the lemon and squeeze the juice, then add water and roll in granulated sugar. Stir it carefully. Put the mixture on medium fire and wait until it boils. After boiling, do a slow heat, continuing to simmer the mixture, it is necessary to interfere. When you see that the sugar mixture began to acquire a yellow color, remove the pan from the heat. You can then pour the mixture into a more convenient to apply the vessel and wait for it to cool, otherwise you can get burned.
Forty nine million six hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred thirty eight
Among the special advantages shugaring is to provide the following advantages:
This procedure does not cause skin irritation and allergic reaction. This procedure does not cause any unpleasant sensations — After this procedure the skin becomes smooth and well-groomed — Thanks to Sahara, the skin undergoes a massage and at the same time moistened In a month you can not worry about body hair. — Sugaring helps to remove even the smallest and hard to reach hairs. — After a short procedure your legs will have a smooth and silky, without the presence of any redness. — After this procedure, the sugar paste is easily removed and does not require additional tools to wash. — Is not a costly procedure, it can afford every woman. This remarkable process as sugaring will allow you to be more beautiful and attractive!
Source: globalscience.ru
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