Scientists have modeled the processes that cause crashed into the ocean the meteorite

Today, astronomers know more than eight asteroids sufficiently large diameter with orbits that could intersect with earth. This suggests that there is a high probability that one of the huge boulders could collide with the Earth. And this probability is increasing every year, or rather every re-open such an asteroid. And this is connected not with the increase in the number of asteroids in space, and the technologies that allow us to detect previously unnoticed celestial body. But now, even though the level of science that has been achieved today, it is not possible to "neutralize" dangerous asteroid.
But experts from Arizona were able to simulate the situation that may occur if the asteroid falls into the ocean. If you take the size entered the Earth's atmosphere the asteroid that is one kilometer, in a collision with the ocean at the speed of twenty kilometers per second, there will be a giant fountain, to thousands of kilometers in diameter. His spray will lift and carry the earth's atmosphere and space near-earth space up to twenty billion tons of water. It is clear that it is threatened by a giant tsunami.
Great harm will cause to the ozone layer of the earth, right up until its destruction, are contained in sea water elements as bromine and chlorine. A small ozone hole, which is formed in the place of falling, increase over time, destroying up to 80% of the ozone layer - the main defender of all living organisms from harsh solar radiation. All living things will die. Perhaps the dinosaurs destroyed such a disaster.If we assume that the size of the asteroid will be ten times more, all these phenomena need to multiply mentally by the same factor.
Source: planetologia.ru/
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