Astronomers have created a "portrait" of bubbles of the milky Way

Mysterious huge bubbles emerging from the milky way, was discovered four years ago. However, scientists still have not figured out the reason for their appearance.
But now a group of American researchers used data from the Gamma-ray telescope Fermi, to create a unique "portrait" of the two bubbles above and below our galaxy. Dmitry Malyshev from the Institute of particle astrophysics and cosmology (Stanford) found that the strange bubbles have very clear outlines and are fixed at each pole of the milky Way.
Modern astrophysical knowledge say that these gamma rays shouldn't be there. But the structure, according to Malysheva, glow like two incandescent bulbs screwed into the center of the galaxy. The size of each about 30,000 light-years, although scientists have been unable to find the source. Russian astrophysicist says about the existence of several theories that explain the strange space "bulbs", but none of them is perfect.
According to one version, they could be created by huge jets from a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Another theory says bubbles is the result of collisions between dark matter particles that result in their annihilation, emitting charged particles in the process.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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