In Moldova infected up to 90% of chestnut

Despite the middle of summer, the chestnut trees fully turned yellow. According to experts, chestnuts in Moldova massively infected leaf-mining moth. In the last 10 years the infestation of trees by the larvae of insects have become rampant, and throughout the territory of the Republic is corrupted up to 90% of chestnut, say environmentalists.
"The tuber moth is a parasite on the tree and distributed with great speed. Plant nutrition and photosynthesis becomes impossible, and plants are on the verge of death. They quickly wither and prematurely fall off," – said the head of the environmental movement Vladimir Garaba.
To cure trees and to save the green heritage of the country, treatment of trees with chemicals, which are very costly. The municipal authorities are taking measures to combat the moth in the capital, but they are ineffective. "Treating the trees need to simultaneously and everywhere. The spray that we carry out regional – ineffective. The moth is spreading rapidly. In addition such a procedure is almost impossible to carry out in residential neighborhoods, as it is unpleasant for the residents because of the acrid smell," – said NOI.md head of the municipal enterprise "Green economy" Eliferie Haruta. Another way the solution is to burn fallen infected leaves, but this method is banned by the environmentalists.
Source: www.ecology.md
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