3 reasons to sleep in the afternoon
Numerous scientific studies have proved an indisputable fact, the effectiveness of short NAPs to increase energy, improve memory and ability to concentrate and the undeniable benefits of Siesta to human health. We have selected the main reasons to try this practice: Bonuses body According to extensive research conducted by a team of scientists Athens medical school, led by Dimitrios Trichopoulos, people who regularly (at least three times a week) practicing the Siesta, a 34% reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Especially the demonstration effect of a Siesta for the health of the working men. Scientists explain it to that afternoon NAP allows you to relax and reduces stress. Activation of brain activity Director of the Center for psychiatric rehabilitation at Harvard University (USA) bill Anthony, for more than 10 years engaged in the study day "anti-stress" break, came to the conclusion that Siesta helps reboot the brain, allowing much easier and better absorb new information. Scientists suggest that the first phase of sleep (when sleep does not see dreams) the most important to stimulate the memorization of information. However, if we "fill up" to the next dreaming phase, the effect of "easy to remember" is leveled. NAPs boosts the cognitive functions of the brain: it stimulates creativity, improves concentration, increases flexibility of thinking and speed of reaction. Improving emotional state during sleep the brain releases serotonin – the hormone responsible for mood. Increasing the level of this neurotransmitter gives you a feeling of joy and life satisfaction. Decided to check all the advantages of a Siesta? It is important to learn how to do it correctly:
- Try to minimize light and sound stimuli.
- The best sleeping position is horizontal. Scientists from the Southwest University (Southwest University, China) compared the performance of the studied 3 groups: not sleeping after dinner, slept 20 minutes, her head on the table, and sleeping the same 20 minutes stretched out on the bed or the couch. The performance of the subjects in the latter group was significantly higher than the other two.
- If You are a young adept Siesta, I advise you to set an alarm, because, as You know, more waking time during the day often threatens the opposite effect.
Source: estet-portal.com