How bears teach their young the wisdom of bear life
Bears make crazy mothers, completely dissolved in their super cute and super touching cubs. And watching the communication of two bear generations is a pleasure (if, of course, you are at a safe distance).
During winter hibernation, bears lose up to half their weight while cubs grow by feeding on their milk. And once the hibernation is over, it is time to teach the younger generation by example. Bear cubs master complex science for 2-3 years, and then bears begin to drive them away from themselves - make it clear that it is time to start an independent life.
Source: mixstuff.ru
Source: /users/1080
During winter hibernation, bears lose up to half their weight while cubs grow by feeding on their milk. And once the hibernation is over, it is time to teach the younger generation by example. Bear cubs master complex science for 2-3 years, and then bears begin to drive them away from themselves - make it clear that it is time to start an independent life.
Source: mixstuff.ru
Source: /users/1080