High school students from Dallas made an amazing discovery

Two high school students from Dallas managed to open five new stars. The students are members of a Southern Methodist University. And the opening of the guys managed to do in the course of the analysis received from the most powerful telescope data, because to see the stars with the naked eye is impossible.
Star open Jason Burton (Jason Barton) and Dominic Fritz (Dominik Fritz), located in the constellations URSA major and Pegasus. They are double contact heavenly bodies, i.e. they represent a pair of stars with orbits so closely spaced that they contact the atmosphere.
Therefore, the stars of each other can outshine. And when that happens, their light becomes dim. The brightness increases as one of the stars of "coming out" is different. The ability to change the brightness are variable stars, a group which included those that were able to detect the pupils. According to the international Protocol, each of the open stars got its name.
Source: planetologia.ru/