Tea Reduces Non-Heart Disease Mortality by 24%
This is one of the patterns found in the analysis of data on the relationship between health and tea and coffee consumption among the French.
The results of the study were announced at a conference of the European Society of Cardiology.
In total, the French scientists interviewed 131,401 people who from 2001 to 2008 underwent a medical examination at the Center for Preventive Medicine in Paris. The questionnaire on the consumption of coffee and tea, they filled out independently during the examination; it was necessary to indicate which group the subject belongs to for each drink - does not drink coffee / tea, drinks from 1 to 4 cups, or drinks more than 4 cups.
Each respondent was followed for three and a half years. During this period, 95 people died from cardiovascular diseases among the subjects, and from other causes - 632 people.
The effects of coffee and tea mirror each other.
Overall, we found that coffee consumption leads to an increased risk of disease, and tea addiction reduces this risk. We also found a gender pattern – men drink significantly more coffee than women, and women drink more tea than men.
Nicholas Danchin, René Descartes University of Paris
The fact that tea consumption reduces mortality from diseases not related to the cardiovascular system by 24%, scientists associated with the presence of antioxidants in tea. The researchers also noticed that this effect was mainly seen among smokers or those who quit.
Among other patterns found in the study, the authors note, for example, that non-coffee drinkers are more likely to lead an active lifestyle than those who drink more than 4 cups a day.
Source: nlo-mir.ru
Source: /users/1080