Scientists have studied the effects of marijuana on patients with Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's ranks third in the number of deaths in the Western world (after cardiovascular disease and cancer). In addition to the obvious cognitive dysfunction, victim of Alzheimer's is not functional in matters of ordinary everyday life, with very little or don't remember your family, relatives, friends and generally a very unhappy, angry and grouchy. But I found a tool that will help them return to normal life. Spanish scientists decided to find out as plant cannabinoids (active ingredient of marijuana) affect the brain receptors. To do this, they conducted research on mice, which showed a significant improvement in the flow of Alzheimer's disease. It turns out, the cannabinoids affect the reduction in the symptomatic parameters in Alzheimer's disease: memory and reduces the likelihood of neuroinflammation. The brain vosstanavlivaetsya due to the formation of anandamide in cannabioids receptors.
Gary Wenk, Professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio state University, commented on the study: "I was trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years. Cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective."
Samantha Burton act from Oregon, USA, shared his story: the Mother of the girl was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at 80 years of age, and she was forced to move to live with her daughter. The patient was taking many different medicines, including nutritional supplements and medicines from other related diseases. All this had a negative impact on her body. To improve the condition of the patient one of the doctors told Samantha to add in her food medical marijuana. According to the girl, stews with cannabis made her mother more sociable and friendly, anger is a major symptom of Alzheimer's in addition to a total absence of memory began to subside. Marijuana helped the patient regain strength, return to the world in the best condition, there was a significant improvement in the relationship with her daughter.
Source: estet-portal.com
Gary Wenk, Professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio state University, commented on the study: "I was trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years. Cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective."
Samantha Burton act from Oregon, USA, shared his story: the Mother of the girl was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at 80 years of age, and she was forced to move to live with her daughter. The patient was taking many different medicines, including nutritional supplements and medicines from other related diseases. All this had a negative impact on her body. To improve the condition of the patient one of the doctors told Samantha to add in her food medical marijuana. According to the girl, stews with cannabis made her mother more sociable and friendly, anger is a major symptom of Alzheimer's in addition to a total absence of memory began to subside. Marijuana helped the patient regain strength, return to the world in the best condition, there was a significant improvement in the relationship with her daughter.
Source: estet-portal.com
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