Ollie – tiny little racing gadget controlled by smartphone
Four million eight hundred seventy nine thousand eight hundred seventy
The company Sphero has presented its new development – a tiny robot Ollie, who control the user can use their smartphone.
Earlier engineers of the company Sphero has released something similar. This project had the same name with the gadget Sphero 2.0, which is a radio-controlled ball, which also can be controlled via smartphone or tablet. Ollie is an evolution of an old idea, due to which the gadget is learned to perform more intricate tricks. Not for nothing he was named in honor of the popular skate trick where the skateboarder rises into the air along with his skateboard without using hands.
The device is able to accelerate to speeds of nearly 25 miles per hour on a relatively flat surface and to perform various tricks, such as rotation, drift, coups. All these tricks the owner of the device can perform by simply pressing the corresponding button in the official app for your smartphone. The smartphone also Ollie connects via Bluetooth LE, the range can reach about 30 meters.
Seventeen million six hundred sixty eight thousand one hundred eighty five
Standard device includes two rubber tires that are stretched on it on two sides, two plastic cap, user manual and USB charging cable. If you wish, you can purchase additional accessories, including tires with different tread patterns and different decorations that allows you to modify the gadget to your liking.
Pre-order the device right now, and its cost is $ 100. For this price you will receive a gadget of the blue and white colors, but there is also a limited edition black color which will cost 50 dollars more expensive.
Source: hi-news.ru
The company Sphero has presented its new development – a tiny robot Ollie, who control the user can use their smartphone.
Earlier engineers of the company Sphero has released something similar. This project had the same name with the gadget Sphero 2.0, which is a radio-controlled ball, which also can be controlled via smartphone or tablet. Ollie is an evolution of an old idea, due to which the gadget is learned to perform more intricate tricks. Not for nothing he was named in honor of the popular skate trick where the skateboarder rises into the air along with his skateboard without using hands.
The device is able to accelerate to speeds of nearly 25 miles per hour on a relatively flat surface and to perform various tricks, such as rotation, drift, coups. All these tricks the owner of the device can perform by simply pressing the corresponding button in the official app for your smartphone. The smartphone also Ollie connects via Bluetooth LE, the range can reach about 30 meters.
Seventeen million six hundred sixty eight thousand one hundred eighty five
Standard device includes two rubber tires that are stretched on it on two sides, two plastic cap, user manual and USB charging cable. If you wish, you can purchase additional accessories, including tires with different tread patterns and different decorations that allows you to modify the gadget to your liking.
Pre-order the device right now, and its cost is $ 100. For this price you will receive a gadget of the blue and white colors, but there is also a limited edition black color which will cost 50 dollars more expensive.
Source: hi-news.ru
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