Chinese engineer introduced an inflatable drone

Chinese engineer Zhang Bingyan presented his compact inflatable mini aircraft. The Sf-1 has an average speed of 120 km per hour, can fly up to 3000 meters with a maximum load of 25 kg. The aircraft, weighing 90 kg and a wingspan of 6 m, is made of high-strength fibers and rubber composite. The flexible inflatable design allows the lethal device to survive even after falling from a great height. I have developed a special high-strength fibrous material that has a tensile strength of 10-15 times that of steel. The aircraft will not be damaged under any circumstances and this is the best way to protect human life.”
A graduate of the Beijing Institute of Technology says the inflatable aircraft can be used at low speeds and altitudes for sensing and aerial photography. Previously, engineers proposed the concept of an inflatable aircraft for space.
Source: nauka24news.ru/