Xenon protects the brain for head injury

As established by scientists at Imperial College in London, xenon treatment after head injury reduces the degree of brain damage in mice.

Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death and disability in people, mainly as a result of falls and accidents. The main damage caused by the initial mechanical force is accompanied by a secondary injury that develops within hours and days thereafter. This secondary injury is largely responsible for the mental and physical disabilities that occur in patients, but there are currently no medical treatments available to stop it from occurring.

Researchers in London found that xenon, within hours of initial injury, limited brain damage and improved neurological outcomes in mice, both in the short and long term. Previous research has already found that xenon can protect brain cells from mechanical damage in the lab, but this study is the first to show an effect in live animals, an important step before testing in humans.

Robert Dickinson, author of the study, said: After a blow to the head, most of the brain damage does not occur immediately, but within hours and days of doing so. We do not currently have any specific drugs to limit the spread of secondary damage, but we think this is the key to successful treatment. This study shows that xenon can effectively prevent brain damage and disability in mice at least three hours after injury. The results provide evidence to support clinical trials in humans.”

Recall that recently it became known that this inert gas helps to forget bad memories.

Source: nauka24news.ru/


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