The history of the origin of breed Bolognese
Kind, affectionate and responsive dog breed Bolognese (Bichon bolognese, Bolognese dog) get along well with a person, moreover, soon become another family member and the largest pet. If you like this graceful Italian, she happily at your leisure, always cheer up and for many years will become a devoted four-legged friend. Bolognese is a small, but very intelligent and cheerful dog that is going to meet the host of its ringing and shrill voice.
The history of the origin of the breed boonesborough "Bolognese" in Russia also called "the French dog" and was bred several centuries ago in Italy by crossing a toy poodle with a Maltese. That is why the new at the time of the appearance of the dog has a thick undercoat, small size, long tail and curly hair. Italians think the Bolognese breed is national, but in the history on the subject has a slightly different opinion.
The popularity of the breed has been acquired only in France, where in XVI was sent as a gift to the crowned heads. The first owner of a Bolognese in Russia became a great Empress Catherine II, and the gift received from the French Ambassador, who is considered a good friend and companion. Since then, this amazing creation was well established in Russia and became an ornament of many families.
The resemblance, but also the presence of the second informal name of "French dog" (and where does it come from... because in fact, the Maltese's Italian!), often confuses the layman untrained in the characterization of these two dogs. Moreover, their own dogs, and perhaps even the owners of these, often offended when they are called not by their pedigree names
Vintage Italian engraved picture dog breed the Bolognese (bolognese)
Characteristics of the breed Bolognese
The dog's body is small, height is not more than 20-35 cm, weight 4-7 kg.
The head sits proudly, pronounced transition from forehead to muzzle. The muzzle is short, has a distinct shape. Hanging ears with long hair.
Bolognese with a tan. Author photo: Mark Whateley.
Bolonese often inherent white color. Sometimes white color is elegantly combined with the markings on the dog's ears and in the nose (whiskers) is not considered a flaw!
The eyes are dark, black, large and expressive.
The nose of the Bolognese should have a black color, other colors are not permitted.
Tail rather short, has a thick hair texture is a senior position, must be located on the back of the dog.
Grooming before the show implies tonsure of hair around the animal's eyes, making them open and more expressive. Cutting the torso of the Bolognese should eventually give the appearance of dogs rounded shape. Haircut can be done with scissors, without specialized tools.
Psychological characteristics of the breed
Despite the fact that the dog has a small size, she is not very playful even in childhood. Puppies from the first months of life, obedient, quiet, studious and not irritable, but love to bark loudly, especially unexpected sounds, such as doorbell or mobile phone. The animal very quickly becomes attached to its owner, regularly fulfills orders already after a short training and just enjoying life. It's the perfect companions that will never spoil the mood, and in behavior to adjust to the person.
Dog breed the Bolognese is characterized by its sociability and friendliness, not only with people but with other animals, and on the street behaves playfully and movable. She is very curious, so the owner should carefully observe the antics of your pet because of the dangers in the natural environment abound. In the case of aggressive behavior of other dogs is never the instigator of the conflict, and happiness rapidly adapts to its host. The cats in the yard chasing, though showing obvious attempts to make friends (sorry, cats don't understand).
Care and maintenance of breed Bolognese
As mentioned above, the dog is small in size, so is quite compatible, as in a country house and a small-sized apartment. Likes to have a place where he tries to spend time for sleep, not getting tangled under the feet of the breeder. If you teach her to pee in the tray, you can avoid additional trips that do not always have the time. But in any case the animal needs fresh air and contact with other animals and in a small space starts to run wild, become shy and wary of strangers. The Bolognese does not shed, so the animal will be a four-legged friend and potential allergies. Ideally, it doesn't require haircuts, but many fans korotkometrazhnyh dogs prefer to do model hair with your Pets. It is the desire of everyone, but, perhaps, in its natural state, the Bolognese is only the affection of others.
Puppies and training
Any dog must be trained from early childhood, since adults are hard to train. Was no exception and the breed "Bolognese", the more that puppies are eager to contact with people, very smart and Executive. After a few days they would execute some instructions and a couple of weeks later persistent the owner can be proud of its exemplary pupil.
Height and weight of Bolotov
The growth of this graceful dogs up to 20 – 30 centimeters, whereas it can weigh up to seven kilograms. White coat with charcoal – eyes perfectly, and the ever-moving tail with long straight hair gives the appearance of an animal childlike and element of mischief.
Anna Kislyakova, Cyril Usanov
Source: natureworld.ru/