A lover of sashimi nearly died from infection by tapeworm video
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A resident of China went to the doctors complaining of stomach pains and itchy skin.
The scan showed that his body was infected with tapeworms. Doctors believe its the result of eating sashimi (slices of raw fish). Studies have shown that eating raw or undercooked fish can lead to a variety of parasitic infections.
Experts believe that the infection can be not only a popular Japanese sushi and sashimi, and other dishes, " such as raw salted or marinated fillets from the Baltic countries and Scandinavia, carpaccio — very thin slices of raw fish common in Italy, raw salmon and ceviche — lightly marinated fish.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
A resident of China went to the doctors complaining of stomach pains and itchy skin.
The scan showed that his body was infected with tapeworms. Doctors believe its the result of eating sashimi (slices of raw fish). Studies have shown that eating raw or undercooked fish can lead to a variety of parasitic infections.
Experts believe that the infection can be not only a popular Japanese sushi and sashimi, and other dishes, " such as raw salted or marinated fillets from the Baltic countries and Scandinavia, carpaccio — very thin slices of raw fish common in Italy, raw salmon and ceviche — lightly marinated fish.
Source: nauka24news.ru/