The happiness of the child determines its future income

Scientists from Warwick University in the USA examined the influence how happy the young man, on the level of his income at a later age. Really happy childhood is the key to better jobs in adulthood? The leaders of the study Dr. Jan-Emanuel De Neuve (Jan-Emmanuel De Neve) and Professor Andrew Oswald (Frederick Oswald) analyzed data on more than 15 thousands of Americans. The study took into account factors such as education, physical health, genetic variation, IQ, self-esteem and happiness. A series of overlapping tests reveal direct and indirect impact of happiness on income. The analysis showed that subjects with higher "positivity rate" (a technical measure of happiness) or a higher level of life satisfaction, in consequence received significantly more income. Scientists explained this by the fact that these people received degrees, found good jobs and had been promoted faster than less happy participants. The level of happiness has a significant impact: a difference of 5 points on a scale of life satisfaction 22-year-olds corresponds to the difference of their annual income in $2000 at 29 years of age. It was also found that in the same family more "sun" child in the adult independent living will be richer than his less fortunate brother or sister. "Perhaps the most important this study is for ordinary people, especially parents," says Dr. De Neuve. "It shows that the emotional welfare of the child is the key to its future success, which is another big reason to create a healthy emotional climate in the family."
Source: estet-portal.com