Shade-loving plants for the North rooms
We all love flowers. In this article we will give some advice to the owners of apartments, each facing North.
Northern areas are characterized by the fact that direct solnechne rays do not look in their Windows. Therefore, the range of plants that tolerate these conditions is small. But of they can create beautiful compositions.
One of the shade-loving plants is the drug Golden mustache. Golden mustache — a close relative of tradescantia, a fairly undemanding plant water-loving. Loves abundant watering in summer and milder in winter. Does not need frequent fertilizing.
Very beautiful irezina. It is a small shrub with bright purple leaves that also likes frequent watering.
Also shade Ruelle. This decorative flowering basket plant which likes a uniform moderate watering.
In the Northern rooms can contain many types of ficus. To the ficus tree does not drop leaves and grew well on the bottom of the pot pour about an inch of drainage (expanded clay, vermiculite). For landing take specialized land for figs. Watering regularly. In the spring, when the period of active vegetation, ficus should be watered every day or every other day. The plant is advisable to keep either in the window or near a window.
Well in the North room to grow Chlorophytum. This plant is unpretentious, loving, abundant watering in summer.
Pay attention to conifers. It turned out that the plant is Araucaria. She likes moderate watering, good drainage and a loose substrate than for the other conifers.
It is worth noting the plants of the family of cypress. The plants are undemanding, requiring moderate irrigation. In garden centers sold a lot of cypress.
Can you advise the Myrtle tree, tradescantia and tsissus. It is also called about the grapes. This undemanding ornamental deciduous vine that loves a uniform, moderate watering in summer and winter.
This list could go on and on, but we will stay on the plants easily available in our stores and do not require complex care.
Source: /users/1617
Northern areas are characterized by the fact that direct solnechne rays do not look in their Windows. Therefore, the range of plants that tolerate these conditions is small. But of they can create beautiful compositions.
One of the shade-loving plants is the drug Golden mustache. Golden mustache — a close relative of tradescantia, a fairly undemanding plant water-loving. Loves abundant watering in summer and milder in winter. Does not need frequent fertilizing.
Very beautiful irezina. It is a small shrub with bright purple leaves that also likes frequent watering.
Also shade Ruelle. This decorative flowering basket plant which likes a uniform moderate watering.
In the Northern rooms can contain many types of ficus. To the ficus tree does not drop leaves and grew well on the bottom of the pot pour about an inch of drainage (expanded clay, vermiculite). For landing take specialized land for figs. Watering regularly. In the spring, when the period of active vegetation, ficus should be watered every day or every other day. The plant is advisable to keep either in the window or near a window.
Well in the North room to grow Chlorophytum. This plant is unpretentious, loving, abundant watering in summer.
Pay attention to conifers. It turned out that the plant is Araucaria. She likes moderate watering, good drainage and a loose substrate than for the other conifers.
It is worth noting the plants of the family of cypress. The plants are undemanding, requiring moderate irrigation. In garden centers sold a lot of cypress.
Can you advise the Myrtle tree, tradescantia and tsissus. It is also called about the grapes. This undemanding ornamental deciduous vine that loves a uniform, moderate watering in summer and winter.
This list could go on and on, but we will stay on the plants easily available in our stores and do not require complex care.
Source: /users/1617