Warner Brothers uses robots to fight piracy

At the conclusion of the proceedings in the amount of $ 80 million between the file hosting service Hotfile and the American kinoistoriya rating (MPAA) the court ordered the Warner Brothers open their secret reports, which indicate how the company is struggling with pirated content. As it turns out, Warner Brothers fights pirates with the help of robots.
As part of the court proceedings it became known that Warner Bros. "has hired" an army of robots that do not only hunt for pirated content, but also to mimic the process of human behavior. Robots are visited daily by about 200 of the most popular trackers with pirated content and behave like ordinary visitors. The goal of each robot consists of the following: the robot finds on the website a link to illegally posted content owned by Warner Bros., and sends the site administrator a warning about copyright infringement. The interesting thing is that this routine process is not at all the people involved.
"The search process is fully automated and does not require the involvement of a man to view the file names, page names or other characteristics, before the system will send a warning about the violation of the law", — is spoken in the trial of the dispute.
"As studied within this trial files did not pass the verification process, no robots Warner Brothers nor any of its employees has not yet handed down any decisions in the cases of the legal use of these files."
What we all talking about? Yes to what Hollywood companies seem to have moved to a new level of efficiency and combat use of pirated content. And as it became known, when using a robot man don't even need to double-check his work. The system efficiency is very high.
Source: hi-news.ru