What plants can not be kept in the apartment

Houseplants This is the decoration of any apartment. When it is winter outside, and there is slush and snow outside, you want to feel at least a little spring freshness. Buying a new vase will bring a little brightness and vivacity to the apartment. After all, it is so pleasant when there is a lot of greenery and a delicate aroma of beautiful flowers.

However, remember that not all plants that are sold in flower shops should be placed in the house. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about harmful domestic plants and their useful replacement.

  1. diffenbachia
    This plant is native to South America, it has magnificent large leaves of light green color. Despite all its elegance, Diffenbachia belongs to dangerous plants, as its juice is poisonous. When it hits the skin, it causes severe irritation, and when it hits the mouth mucosa, a tumor of the tongue and salivary glands. As a result, the person temporarily loses the ability to speak. It is for this reason that spotted dieffenbachia is popularly called “silent rod”.

  2. Primrose is conical
    Primrose usually appear on sale towards the end of winter, since the flowering period begins at this time. Many housewives buy this flower to please the eye after a long winter period of grayness and monotony. This flower is also often purchased in March 8 gift. Be careful when taking this gift, because primrose can cause severe allergies. If you are allergic, ask your friends not to give you this flower.

  3. Monster.
    This daughter of the South American rainforest is a work of art. Nature did a great job when she created her beautiful carved leaves. But be careful! This plant is a terrible energy vampire that can destroy a person’s love life and poison his aura. All of this, of course, is superstition, although in a semi-dark room the monster does have a rather threatening appearance. The main thing is that Monster juice has a strong irritating effect and, if inside, can cause severe bleeding. Therefore, be careful if you want to buy a monster if you have a cat or a dog at home.

  4. Ficus Benjamin
    This subtropical plant is incredibly popular, and it can be found in almost every second apartment. The fact is that it perfectly cleans the air of formaldehyde - a gas that often causes nausea and headache. Ficus is among the top ten air purifiers from the plant world. In addition, ficus is very simple and easy to care for, it does not require any special conditions for growing. However, ficus is better not to get people who suffer from allergic reactions. The plant secretes a specific juice in the form of milk, which contains a high percentage of rubber. This substance can cause severe allergies.

  5. azalea
    All owners of cats and dogs should especially beware of this amazing beauty of the flower. Many flower lovers get azalea, even though it is incredibly capricious in care. This dwarf plant belongs to the genus rhododendrons and came to us from China and Japan. Azalea strikes not only with its exquisite name, but also with a truly royal look. But the beautiful leaves of azalea contain two highly toxic substances. glycoside andromedotoxin. When ingested, they can cause paralysis or even death. This plant should not be started by pet lovers.

World of houseplants and flowers Very interesting and diverse. There is a plant for every taste and color. The most important thing – do not forget to learn as much as possible about the flowers that you want to buy, and be sure to specify the name of the pot, which you are given. This information can save the life of you, your child or your pet.

And although there are many dangerous flowers, there are also many useful ones that will not only delight your eyes, but also help in the treatment of the disease. maladies. Here are some of the best examples of these plants.

Medicinal plants
  1. begonia
    It is difficult to find a more beautiful and common plant. Since there are about a thousand species and subspecies, it is very difficult to give an average description of this flower. However, all types of begonia have a gentle and sophisticated look. Begonia leaves contain oxalic acidIt has wound healing and antiseptic properties. Begonia juice is used in the treatment of ulcers, bites, burns. Begonia also successfully fights streptococci.

  2. aglaonema
    Having such an unusual name, the plant is not particularly remarkable externally. Nevertheless, it is very unpretentious and hardy. Despite the light color of the leaves, it needs very little light. Unlike its harmful cousin Dieffenbachia, aglaonema brings incredible benefits, being in your apartment. This modest woman successfully kills streptococcal infection and cleans the air of benzene.

  3. lavender
    Lavender flowers are widely used in the perfume industry, but few people know that the beneficial substances that the plant secretes successfully kill many pathogenic bacteria. Lavender has an incredible anti-inflammatory effect.

Let it be. journey It is not limited to this article, because there are a huge number of unusual and beautiful domestic plants that can decorate your house and give your family a benevolent energy.

It is important to know not only about the potential dangers of your favorite pots, but also to be able to look after them.

Remember that many plants, despite their beauty, do not like living in a confined space of an ordinary apartment. You need to select plants for your living space in accordance with their properties and features.

It is necessary to know the measure in everything. Do not forget that many plants are not only dangerous to your health, but also harmful to the energy of your family.


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