Bask wisely — choosing the right radiators

Today there are many options to regulate the climate in the apartment. To create a comfortable temperature is not so hard to change old radiators with new.
In many apartments, there are still the old cast-iron batteries or narrow plate heaters. We all know about their shortcomings. First, they are not regulated and unattractive look. Secondly, cast-iron batteries have a high inertia, that is, they long to heat up, and then too much heat and not cooled.
Plate heaters are too small the heat transfer area and mostly give problems in the offseason, and in a strong frost. The ideal solution is to replace these radiators with modern. What exactly we will tell you.
The first kind is a bimetal panel radiators. Strict, minimalistic design, suitable to any style. But most importantly low inertia (quite quickly) and good heat dissipation. It is strengthened by the fact that these radiators in sections, there are special air channels, which "walks" the warm air.

The second type is a steel tubular radiators. They are made from stainless steel and have the lowest inertia, heat up instantly. In appearance they are either similar to ordinary radiators, or "designer" – there is a plexus of tubes. In General, these heatsinks are several "warmer" bimetal. There is another important point – in a tubular flow radiators are excluded, as they are made from a single pipe without joints and seams.

As bimetal panel radiators and steel tubular are in the domestic and in the import performance. Need to be chosen very carefully, not focus only on heat transfer and appearance.
Attention! Many of the imported radiators are not designed for the pressure in the heating system that we have in the GOST. Avoid accidents buy only the radiator (and the valves) that are adapted to our network and have a certificate. Don't forget to radiators need special controllers. These items allow you to control the temperature in the rooms according to your choice at least every day. And that's not all: if your home is equipped with appliances door-to-door heat metering, regulators significantly save up to 20 percent on the payments.
Typically, these regulators are digging into the pipe, feeding hot water into the radiator. Well, you just have to rotate the knob, setting the desired value of the air temperature which you wish to keep in the room. Now there are radiators already fitted with regulators. Well, here and in General any work carried out is not necessary.
The regulators are different, they are of three types. There are regulators with gas sensor, there are – with liquid sensor, and there are electronic. Of these, the best option are the regulators with the gas sensor. But liquid sensor "swings" for a long time – about 20 minutes. An electronic sensor reacts quickly, besides, it can be programmed to change the temperature in a certain period of time, but, like any electronics, there are possible failures for unknown reasons. And it can influence those electronic devices that are in the house. So if you don't want surprises, it is better to select a failsafe regulator with gas gauge.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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