The most useful honey — new Zealand honey Manuka

Honey from Manuka or Manuka honey is not just an exclusive calling card New Zealand, but also the healthiest honey in the earth, because with him is strengthened national title — King-med. Manuka honey is collected from flowers of wild tea shrub Manuka, healing properties of which were used by the ancient Maori tribes. Translated from Maori Manuka is a good mood, cheerfulness, enthusiasm.

Despite the fact that even the first colonists of New Zealand had noticed that the local population successfully uses the Manukau at various burns, cuts and dermatitis, research of antibacterial properties of Manuka honey began only 30 years ago and the result was discovered the incredible ability of honey to purposefully destroy like superiorto Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that is very dangerous because of its high resistance to different kind of antibiotics. In addition, was established anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, antiseptic and antifungal properties of Manuka honey.

This unique ability of Manuka honey due to the presence of special substances of natural origin called methylglyoxal or MGO, which ranges from 100 to 1000 mg/kg and makes it an extremely powerful drug. For example, in other types of honey contains MGO from 0 to 10 mg/kg. the higher the concentration of methylglyoxal, the stronger antibacterial properties of Manuka honey and the higher the benefits of Manuka Honey.
The mechanism of action of MGO and honey on Staphylococcus aureus can be considered for example, a single human cell. If Golden stafilokok enters the cell, it begins to feed on her nutrients, it starts eating the nutrients cells of the neighbor. Methylglyoxal or MGO honey penetrates in the affected cell and drains of the cells all the moisture, depriving the malicious aureus culture media, why it perishes, and the cell restores the water balance and recovering. Thus, the healing power of Manuka honey is measured in MGO, however, not all Manuka honey has the same amount of methylglyoxal.

Depending on the content of this substance in honey, it is distinguished by the degree of activity or UMF (unique Manuka factor), which determines the content of MGO in milligrams per kilogram of honey. Medicinal properties have with some honey (MGO 100+, 10+), high (MGO 250+, UMF 15+), higher (MGO 400+, UMF 20+) and superactive (MGO 550+, UMF 25+) activity. A Manuka honey with a performance of 30+ MGO or 5+ UMF is considered a normal food with honey from zero bactericidal effect.
The Manuka honey with the highest indicator of the activity of MGO 400+, UMF 20+ can be used to treat the common cold and sore throats, stomach ulcers, dermatitis, burns, wounds, rashes, acne, bed sores, furunculosis, trophic ulcers, and even hangover. Super active med with indicators of MG 550+, UMF25+ suitable for the treatment of infected wounds.
For internal use the Manuka honey is also suitable, but in this case it is necessary to consider individualnoy reaction. In those and other cases, consultation with a doctor should be made in advance.
Source: i-fakt.ru
Source: /users/1077
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