Tablets for the treatment of alcoholism became available to UK residents
Five million one hundred ninety two thousand seven hundred sixty nine
Alcoholism is a very unpleasant disease, which is spread not only in our country but in many other States. For example, in the UK between 2012 and 2013 there were more than 1.2 million cases of income of people in the clinic with diseases directly related to alcohol abuse.
The UK will become the second European country in which the officially sanctioned dissemination of medical drug Nalmefene (also called Selincro) which is able to reduce the dependence of the human body from alcoholic beverages.
National Institute of health and clinical development (NICE) even issued an official recommendation for use of a new drug for people suffering from alcoholism. Those in medicine of the UK think men are taking more than 7.5 units of alcohol (1 unit = 10 ml pure ethanol) per day, and women taking more than 5 units. In fact, drinking more than one and a half liters of beer a day, the British may already be considered a full-fledged alcoholic.
The drug Nalmefene should be taken once a day one tablet to ease the person's need for alcohol. Over time, the desire to drink, the patient will disappear altogether. Of course, doctors recommend that, in parallel, to enlist the support of a professional therapist who will help more effectively cope with the harmful addiction.
"Many people experience the difficulties associated with the excessive consumption of alcohol, despite the fact that they think that their health is not in danger. Many believe that once they have a job and a well-formed social relationships with others, so their alcoholism does not apply. This is a big misconception," says one of the experts at NICE Professor Carole Longson.
According to the results of clinical trials, patients taking the drug reduced alcohol consumption by an average of 1.8 units per day, and also reduced the duration of drinking bouts by an average 3.2 days per month. Prolonged use of the drug methodically improves the overall picture and improves the quality of life of subjects.
The drug Nalmefene was developed by the Danish pharmaceutical company Lundebeck. Despite the fact that the drug was developed in the early 70-ies of the last century, the spread he began to receive only in our time. In the U.S. doctors began using the drug in 1995, but in a free market he didn't arrive for quite a long time. In Europe the drug was approved for use only in March 2013. And the first country which started to sell Nalmefene, became Scotland. It happened last fall.
The cost of a standard drug in the UK amounted to just over 42 pounds sterling for 14 tablets, which when converted to our money is approximately 3150 rubles.
Source: hi-news.ru
Alcoholism is a very unpleasant disease, which is spread not only in our country but in many other States. For example, in the UK between 2012 and 2013 there were more than 1.2 million cases of income of people in the clinic with diseases directly related to alcohol abuse.
The UK will become the second European country in which the officially sanctioned dissemination of medical drug Nalmefene (also called Selincro) which is able to reduce the dependence of the human body from alcoholic beverages.
National Institute of health and clinical development (NICE) even issued an official recommendation for use of a new drug for people suffering from alcoholism. Those in medicine of the UK think men are taking more than 7.5 units of alcohol (1 unit = 10 ml pure ethanol) per day, and women taking more than 5 units. In fact, drinking more than one and a half liters of beer a day, the British may already be considered a full-fledged alcoholic.
The drug Nalmefene should be taken once a day one tablet to ease the person's need for alcohol. Over time, the desire to drink, the patient will disappear altogether. Of course, doctors recommend that, in parallel, to enlist the support of a professional therapist who will help more effectively cope with the harmful addiction.
"Many people experience the difficulties associated with the excessive consumption of alcohol, despite the fact that they think that their health is not in danger. Many believe that once they have a job and a well-formed social relationships with others, so their alcoholism does not apply. This is a big misconception," says one of the experts at NICE Professor Carole Longson.
According to the results of clinical trials, patients taking the drug reduced alcohol consumption by an average of 1.8 units per day, and also reduced the duration of drinking bouts by an average 3.2 days per month. Prolonged use of the drug methodically improves the overall picture and improves the quality of life of subjects.
The drug Nalmefene was developed by the Danish pharmaceutical company Lundebeck. Despite the fact that the drug was developed in the early 70-ies of the last century, the spread he began to receive only in our time. In the U.S. doctors began using the drug in 1995, but in a free market he didn't arrive for quite a long time. In Europe the drug was approved for use only in March 2013. And the first country which started to sell Nalmefene, became Scotland. It happened last fall.
The cost of a standard drug in the UK amounted to just over 42 pounds sterling for 14 tablets, which when converted to our money is approximately 3150 rubles.
Source: hi-news.ru
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