A new kind of Europe
Twenty one million eight hundred twenty six thousand four hundred seventy eight
The new version, created by scientists, in a new light is an icy satellite of Jupiter – Europe. In the late nineties ship Galileo, owned, made, mosaic, the moon of Jupiter. Updated by using modern means the image was first published by NASA. Its main difference is that a significant portion of the surface of Europa is shown in high resolution. It is perceived by the human eye more realistic than that which was published three years earlier, where he was greatly improved color. This version was first published by the American Agency, although private versions of enthusiasts, and there were many.
The picture shows a bright ice shell of Europe are curved, long and linear features. Scientists want to find out, whether contained in scattered on the surface of the red-brown structures of the clues that indicate the geological history of this heavenly body. Interested and their chemical composition are under ice oceans.
Seventy eight million three hundred thirty eight thousand four hundred forty nine
Across the surface ridges and faults in some places interrupted or disturbed structure. In places the ice crust after the destruction of the re-frozen, forming a completely new structure. On the surface of the color change caused by the difference in the locations and types of geological features. The red-brown region, for example, contain in addition to ice other components. Moreover, their concentration is high enough. A blue and white – it's clean (relatively) water ice. The Equatorial region is much lighter than the polar, the right and left. I assume because of the color change with a difference in grain size of ice.
To get the rendered image had to combine multiple images taken with different filters: red, green, near infrared.
Fifty five million three hundred thirty seven thousand six hundred fifty four
The new version, created by scientists, in a new light is an icy satellite of Jupiter – Europe. In the late nineties ship Galileo, owned, made, mosaic, the moon of Jupiter. Updated by using modern means the image was first published by NASA. Its main difference is that a significant portion of the surface of Europa is shown in high resolution. It is perceived by the human eye more realistic than that which was published three years earlier, where he was greatly improved color. This version was first published by the American Agency, although private versions of enthusiasts, and there were many.
The picture shows a bright ice shell of Europe are curved, long and linear features. Scientists want to find out, whether contained in scattered on the surface of the red-brown structures of the clues that indicate the geological history of this heavenly body. Interested and their chemical composition are under ice oceans.
Seventy eight million three hundred thirty eight thousand four hundred forty nine
Across the surface ridges and faults in some places interrupted or disturbed structure. In places the ice crust after the destruction of the re-frozen, forming a completely new structure. On the surface of the color change caused by the difference in the locations and types of geological features. The red-brown region, for example, contain in addition to ice other components. Moreover, their concentration is high enough. A blue and white – it's clean (relatively) water ice. The Equatorial region is much lighter than the polar, the right and left. I assume because of the color change with a difference in grain size of ice.
To get the rendered image had to combine multiple images taken with different filters: red, green, near infrared.
Fifty five million three hundred thirty seven thousand six hundred fifty four
Why not to trust household nitrate-testers
Chrysler has created a virtual tour into the heart of the build process of the car