The earth has experienced the loss of atmosphere at least twice

New article published on the official news website of the Massachusetts Institute of technology, reports that since its formation, approximately 4.5 billion years, our planet is at least twice could lose its atmosphere. In other words, the earth's atmosphere today is not what it was in the early days of the existence of our home world.
For a long time scientists scratching their heads in trying to figure out why in the history of our Land was so huge and dramatic changes. And according to a study by researchers from MIT, a very common cosmic bombardment could be the main reason for these changes.
In a published article, scientists reported that after analyzing a large amount of material, they came to the conclusion that our good old planet has lost its primitive atmosphere in the bombing of tens of thousands of space rocks. And it happened around the same period when he formed Earth's natural satellite — the Moon.
Some scientists believe that the Earth lost almost all of its original atmosphere it had to encounter with a space body about the size of Mars. However, if such a collision actually happened at some point in the history of the Earth, on its surface definitely had to be "scars".
Abandoning this theory, scientists from MIT claim that the Earth was bombarded by tens of thousands of cosmic boulders, the size of which often reached 25 miles in diameter. In the fall raised a huge amount of gas clouds. In the result of gas have accumulated so much that the clouds literally pushed the planet's atmosphere into space.
Scientists believe that, despite the fact that many such theory development may seem crazy, it really could happen. Scientists emphasize that according to collected and analyzed information, space rocks were common in the Solar system billions of years ago. She was practically filled with them. The researchers even suggested that as a result of similar scenarios, its atmosphere might have lost Mars and Venus.
The scientists also make the assumption that as a result of this bombing on the planet there are new gases that in turn have made possible the emergence of life on Earth.
Source: hi-news.ru