Response to bill Nye on the Fermi paradox: Be patient
The Fermi paradox is a question that occupies many scientists and ordinary people around the world. Originally voiced by the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, it sounds like – If the universe theoretically there are many inhabited planets, then why is humanity still have not met any intelligent life forms?
Bill Nye decided to tackle this question in a small video that was posted on Youtube... And from the point of view of the famous popularizer of science, the answer is simple: Be patient. Nye believes that one of the biggest barriers to contact with other life forms is time.
I think it is not so difficult question. We are listening to the cosmos in search of other civilizations only 50-70 years, depending on how you like to be considered. It should be understood that for contact it is necessary that civilization arose and achieved the ability of interstellar communication at the same time. But when something happens in the time interval 13.6 billion years, there are many chances to miss each other.
This is one of the more positive theories addressing the question of the absolute silence of space. Other theories suggest that our civilization has not yet reached the Great filter – an evolutionary barrier that is almost insurmountable, but which will inevitably face all kinds who wish to survive. Alternative theories assume that we have already passed the Filter, and just have not yet discovered other intelligent species, which would also be lucky.
Source: gearmix.ru/archives/17249

Bill Nye decided to tackle this question in a small video that was posted on Youtube... And from the point of view of the famous popularizer of science, the answer is simple: Be patient. Nye believes that one of the biggest barriers to contact with other life forms is time.
I think it is not so difficult question. We are listening to the cosmos in search of other civilizations only 50-70 years, depending on how you like to be considered. It should be understood that for contact it is necessary that civilization arose and achieved the ability of interstellar communication at the same time. But when something happens in the time interval 13.6 billion years, there are many chances to miss each other.
This is one of the more positive theories addressing the question of the absolute silence of space. Other theories suggest that our civilization has not yet reached the Great filter – an evolutionary barrier that is almost insurmountable, but which will inevitably face all kinds who wish to survive. Alternative theories assume that we have already passed the Filter, and just have not yet discovered other intelligent species, which would also be lucky.
Source: gearmix.ru/archives/17249