Elder paisios of the Holy mountain: No need to justify your passion

— Geronda, some people think that they have the necessary prerequisites for the spiritual life and say, "Nothing to take from the needy" (Lucian. Conversations in the realm of the dead. Dialogue II). Even worse, when people say they have a passion for heritage, and those are justified. — And if, geronda, is it really so? — Listen to what I tell you. Each person from birth have some inclinations, good and bad. And people have to work hard to get rid of the shortcomings and develop the good that it has to become the image of God. Bad inclinations is not an obstacle to spiritual perfection, because if a man strive for masteries, a little bit, but with jealousy and desire, then it means that it is within the scope of spiritual laws in the area of miracle, and then all his hereditary disadvantages blots the Grace of God. God loves and helps that soul who, having born without very good credentials, zealous labor in the spiritual life and aims at the Sky, trying to get off the ground and rise up on their feeble wings, weakened by a bad heredity. I know many people who apply pressure, received strong help from God and freed from the fact that they were burdened. God these people are the real heroes. After all that bows to us of God? The work, which, we believe, to defeat the old man. — Geronda, and Baptism blots bad genetic predisposition? In Baptism one is clothed in Christ is freed from original sin comes upon him divine Grace, but a bad hereditary factors remain. Surely God cannot and will blot out their Holy Baptism? Maybe, but leaves the man that he strove to win and in the end got the winning crown. — Geronda, when I indulge any passion, say to yourself, "I'm ugly". — This is still not enough. Can we say that all the vices you gave the parents that the evils of your ancestors in you made manifest, and all the talents and virtues of the departed to others? Maybe God will be to blame? If a person says: "This is my character, so I was born with bad inclinations in these conditions has grown, so corrected I can't," he says, "do not Blame only my father and mother, but God." You know how hard it is for me to hear such words? After all, the man not only spoke ill of his parents, but God. When he starts to think so, the Grace of God ceases to operate. — Geronda, some people think that when the fault is sitting in the very being of man, it is impossible to fix. — This is beneficial to some to say so, because they justify themselves and even attempts do not get rid of the disadvantage which they sit. "I — I said a man — God has not given abilities! I'm to blame? Why do I need what is above my strength?" There's your loophole. A person justifies himself, calms your thoughts and lives as it is convenient. If we start to say, "It's hereditary, that character trait," then how we will improve? Such approach deprives of spiritual courage. — Yes, geronda, but... — "but" Again? Well, what kind of person is this? Slippery as an eel. All the time make up some excuse. I couldn't help it. — Not saying that on purpose. But if God gave you a mind that on the fly grasp everything, then why can't you understand that the excuse is very bad! In such a small head so much intelligence and do not understand! I noticed that some smart people defending a wrong, because it's more convenient for them, so they justify their passions. Others, on the contrary, do not justify yourself, but have the overwhelming thought that there is in their character something that they can't reclaim, so fall into despair And the devil, what's he doing? One obstacle to spiritual perfection puts self-justification, the other catches their heightened sensitivity leads to despair. To cut a passion, one must justify himself, and to accept. If it says for example: "I may not love, and to another given," and not trying to acquire love, how can he spiritually to succeed? Without struggle there is no success. Have you not read in the fathers, which originally some of the devotees were vices and what degree of spiritual perfection then they come up? Surpassed many very virtuous. For example, Abba Moses Murin, what was criminal and who was afterwards! That's what God's Grace does! In my reasoning, a person having a bad genetic predisposition, when fighting for the sake of acquiring the virtues, receives greater reward than one who inherited virtues from his parents and did not shed sweat in order to buy them. Because one came all ready, while the other had to work hard to acquire. Because, look, people have more respect for those who, inheriting from their parents debts and working hard, was able not only to pay off debts, but to collect its own property than those who received from their parents a legacy of state and kept it.
Source: http://www.pravmir.ru/starets-paisiy-svyatogorets-ne-nado-opravdyivat-svoi-strasti-audio/#ixzz3NyriZyr7
Source: www.pravmir.ru/starets-paisiy-svyatogorets-ne-nado-opravdyivat-svoi-strasti-audio/
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