Hepatoprotector from yoga — treat the liver, drug method

For fans of non-drug methods of healing is so popular an exercise of Hatha yoga as HALASANA.
In addition to a good stretching of the spine and back muscles, halasana, when a particular technique has an excellent therapeutic effect on the liver. This effect is probably the main purpose to perform this asana.To achieve the above-mentioned effect, it is necessary to adhere to such a technique exercise in which the back of the "most rounded", and the stomach area like "shrink" — in other words, the lower ribs are pulled to the iliac bones. We should pay attention to to avoid excessive stretching of the cervical spine and support the whole load was shifted to the upper part of the back.
With this performance chalasani, there is a reduction of abdominal cavity volume with a simultaneous increase in intra-abdominal pressure, leading to mechanical pressure on the liver with increased compression of hepatic veins and change of the venous outflow and exit of asanas, hepatic blood flow is restored with "new force". Thus is achieved the improvement of blood circulation, leading to the acceleration of the activities of the hepatic cells, an increase in temperature inside the liver and as a consequence the acceleration of biochemical reactions.
But we should not hold halasana more than 2-3 minutes, as to achieve a therapeutic effect, the priority is not time fixing the asanas, and the moment out of it.
Technically it doesn't matter how you perform the exercise with straight legs or with bent, so beginners can lower the knees to the forehead, elbows dissolve in the parties, for greater stability.
Source: belyaev-yoga.ru/pechen/