ARI — one man
The majority of the population of civilized countries, including Russia, are now a way of life, far from what was originally prepared for man by nature. People are eating unnatural refined (devoid of vitamins and fiber) foods, saturated animal protein, and the often hasty, ill-chewing... Chronic fatigue — another scourge of modern civilization. Energy the average person today is like a squeezed lemon. But instead of rest (real, not "fashion" in this season) he has fuelled himself tea, coffee or ginseng. People not only don't get enough sleep, but somehow think it's normal. The inhabitants of the cities, as a rule, constantly breathe smog, lack of movement. The body's most people heavily intoxicated.
Is not always body is able to quickly clean itself of toxins, of which the most dangerous — amyloid (krupnomasshtabnye is a complex protein with carbohydrates-mucopolysaccharides). Episodic accumulation of this substance is not dangerous, but in the case of a prolonged stay in the intercellular spaces of the organs when the body is tired, inevitably causes chronic diseases involving amyloidosis, up to degeneration and necrosis. Organs and tissues are literally stuffed with debris of dead cells and protein mass... And that is the main problem of the body: the cells can no longer effectively communicate with each other. First, on this basis often have functional (nonorganic) disorders (e.g., dyskinesia of the gallbladder, stomach cramps or headaches, seizures) in those organs and systems that are obviously weaker than the specific person (hereditary and constitutional, or after some sort of trauma).
But just when the man is tired and cold, or experiencing a lot of stress and lack of vitamins, he "gets" — that is, he is attacked by microbes and viruses. And then, seemingly against all logic, dramatically reduces the production of interferon, (which is able to produce many cells of the body). That is, the body itself "disables the immune system", when it is necessary. But this apparent paradox does not bother the authority of official medicine. It is believed that the body needs to help fight infection, injecting antibiotics against bacteria, interferon (and other adjuvants) against viruses. In the production and sale of these drugs to earn huge money. The doctor may is not on the patient, and the pharmaceutical industry, helping it to sell new, more expensive, as usual, medicines.
And it is worth to think about why the body most people do not wish to immediately fight aggressively penetrating (or activated within) viruses and bacteria (or fungi).
So, why? Yes, simply because otherwise, the body prioritizes.
For him, of course, pathogenic microbes and viruses are not a nice gift, if he in good enough condition. But in this case, the synthesis of interferon is increased immediately and the person recovers, without having to get sick (that is, failing to realize that he was sick).
But unhealthy lifestyle "sewage system" in our body becomes insufficient, that is, the rate of self-dissolution (autolysis) and detoxification are very slow, and the "right" body in this situation from time to time, the "disable immunity". And growing micro-organisms feeding on this "garbage" (toxins), quickly turn it into liquid waste is easily removed by the flow of lymph and blood. The body basically do not care what kind of microorganisms will do the job: he gets better from the flu, and pneumococcus, if you reject food for a few days (until stihaniya acute manifestations of the disease). To eat at this time you need only water, vitamins, and homeopathic medicines that help to quickly cleanse the body. By the way, a reason during acute respiratory infections and other diseases, the body is temporarily "off" not only the immune system, and appetite.
Attempts to boost immunity with interferon comes from a misunderstanding of the true role of bacteria and viruses in our body, which in small quantities always are present in the body, you might say, waiting in the wings (a kind of "bearers" of the body).
This article used the materials of scientific researches of Alexander Chuprun.
Purification through selection
Although, if you look, besides ARI the body has other ways of purification of toxins is a natural selection. For example, menstruation in women. Remember the notorious "premenstrual syndrome" (including irritability and fatigue, various pains). Because, as a rule, all these symptoms by themselves are held in the first day of discharge of blood (with toxins). That is, if this syndrome is bothering a woman, it means her first call from the intoxicated organism. If these bells the owner of the body ignores, may have abnormal discharge, for example, again in women of different Beli (purulent or cheesy), nemastomatidae uterine bleeding.
Can worry about eczema or excessive sweating (due to excessive release of toxins through the skin). By the way, the purifying effect of the baths (Russian or not) is based on this.
It could be bleeding from nose and chronic runny nose.
If you just mute selection (natural and pathological) reception of various chemicals (e.g., antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs), the body first looks for other ways of cleansing (there are many options that each organism has its own "favorite"). But if all possible to the body the path of self-purification was repeatedly artificially blocked, under the action of the toxins gradually there were more serious degenerative diseases — that is diseases ending in "oz" (multiple sclerosis, arthritis, amyloidosis and so on) and tumors.
Homeopathy these diseases also are treated, but much harder and not always in full.
The deadlock
So now you understand the truth is, at first glance, the strange title of this Chapter. Because ARI is really good, and not to the detriment of already intoxicated body. And those who do not want to hurt not only cold, but nothing at all, it may be advisable to constantly keep a healthy lifestyle, it is not banal sounds. In the summer to eat fresh raw vegetable salads and fruits, nuts and seeds (not fried), dairy products and eggs and cereal (instead of bread), in winter and in the offseason, more cereals, meat and fish dishes, vegetables and fruits in processed form ( dried, steamed, boiled, stewed and baked).
Not to be overloaded with work, even enjoyable. Once a month (or more frequently) to arrange a fasting day on the water. To do exercises or to dance under pleasant music, to walk at least an hour a day outside (preferably not on a polluted highway). Ever hear the expression — "muscular joy"? Motion man gets rid of stress and forget about troubles, because the body activates the synthesis of "pleasure hormones" — endorphins. Make it a habit to laugh at least 10 minutes a day. You are surrounded by gloomy people? Then think about the comic Newspapers and television (many TV programs to choose according to your taste Comedy series today — no problem). For a good mood can just try to smile even if a little artificial. An hour has passed, the mood will rise, and the smile will become natural. By the way, this is a good test for the presence or lack of depression (ie, disease, which should be treated).
And all this to try to do constantly, developing a habit to the good. It's just bad habits there quietly, and leave (if leave) with great difficulty.
Source: /users/1077
Is not always body is able to quickly clean itself of toxins, of which the most dangerous — amyloid (krupnomasshtabnye is a complex protein with carbohydrates-mucopolysaccharides). Episodic accumulation of this substance is not dangerous, but in the case of a prolonged stay in the intercellular spaces of the organs when the body is tired, inevitably causes chronic diseases involving amyloidosis, up to degeneration and necrosis. Organs and tissues are literally stuffed with debris of dead cells and protein mass... And that is the main problem of the body: the cells can no longer effectively communicate with each other. First, on this basis often have functional (nonorganic) disorders (e.g., dyskinesia of the gallbladder, stomach cramps or headaches, seizures) in those organs and systems that are obviously weaker than the specific person (hereditary and constitutional, or after some sort of trauma).
But just when the man is tired and cold, or experiencing a lot of stress and lack of vitamins, he "gets" — that is, he is attacked by microbes and viruses. And then, seemingly against all logic, dramatically reduces the production of interferon, (which is able to produce many cells of the body). That is, the body itself "disables the immune system", when it is necessary. But this apparent paradox does not bother the authority of official medicine. It is believed that the body needs to help fight infection, injecting antibiotics against bacteria, interferon (and other adjuvants) against viruses. In the production and sale of these drugs to earn huge money. The doctor may is not on the patient, and the pharmaceutical industry, helping it to sell new, more expensive, as usual, medicines.
And it is worth to think about why the body most people do not wish to immediately fight aggressively penetrating (or activated within) viruses and bacteria (or fungi).
So, why? Yes, simply because otherwise, the body prioritizes.
For him, of course, pathogenic microbes and viruses are not a nice gift, if he in good enough condition. But in this case, the synthesis of interferon is increased immediately and the person recovers, without having to get sick (that is, failing to realize that he was sick).
But unhealthy lifestyle "sewage system" in our body becomes insufficient, that is, the rate of self-dissolution (autolysis) and detoxification are very slow, and the "right" body in this situation from time to time, the "disable immunity". And growing micro-organisms feeding on this "garbage" (toxins), quickly turn it into liquid waste is easily removed by the flow of lymph and blood. The body basically do not care what kind of microorganisms will do the job: he gets better from the flu, and pneumococcus, if you reject food for a few days (until stihaniya acute manifestations of the disease). To eat at this time you need only water, vitamins, and homeopathic medicines that help to quickly cleanse the body. By the way, a reason during acute respiratory infections and other diseases, the body is temporarily "off" not only the immune system, and appetite.
Attempts to boost immunity with interferon comes from a misunderstanding of the true role of bacteria and viruses in our body, which in small quantities always are present in the body, you might say, waiting in the wings (a kind of "bearers" of the body).
This article used the materials of scientific researches of Alexander Chuprun.
Purification through selection
Although, if you look, besides ARI the body has other ways of purification of toxins is a natural selection. For example, menstruation in women. Remember the notorious "premenstrual syndrome" (including irritability and fatigue, various pains). Because, as a rule, all these symptoms by themselves are held in the first day of discharge of blood (with toxins). That is, if this syndrome is bothering a woman, it means her first call from the intoxicated organism. If these bells the owner of the body ignores, may have abnormal discharge, for example, again in women of different Beli (purulent or cheesy), nemastomatidae uterine bleeding.
Can worry about eczema or excessive sweating (due to excessive release of toxins through the skin). By the way, the purifying effect of the baths (Russian or not) is based on this.
It could be bleeding from nose and chronic runny nose.
If you just mute selection (natural and pathological) reception of various chemicals (e.g., antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs), the body first looks for other ways of cleansing (there are many options that each organism has its own "favorite"). But if all possible to the body the path of self-purification was repeatedly artificially blocked, under the action of the toxins gradually there were more serious degenerative diseases — that is diseases ending in "oz" (multiple sclerosis, arthritis, amyloidosis and so on) and tumors.
Homeopathy these diseases also are treated, but much harder and not always in full.
The deadlock

So now you understand the truth is, at first glance, the strange title of this Chapter. Because ARI is really good, and not to the detriment of already intoxicated body. And those who do not want to hurt not only cold, but nothing at all, it may be advisable to constantly keep a healthy lifestyle, it is not banal sounds. In the summer to eat fresh raw vegetable salads and fruits, nuts and seeds (not fried), dairy products and eggs and cereal (instead of bread), in winter and in the offseason, more cereals, meat and fish dishes, vegetables and fruits in processed form ( dried, steamed, boiled, stewed and baked).
Not to be overloaded with work, even enjoyable. Once a month (or more frequently) to arrange a fasting day on the water. To do exercises or to dance under pleasant music, to walk at least an hour a day outside (preferably not on a polluted highway). Ever hear the expression — "muscular joy"? Motion man gets rid of stress and forget about troubles, because the body activates the synthesis of "pleasure hormones" — endorphins. Make it a habit to laugh at least 10 minutes a day. You are surrounded by gloomy people? Then think about the comic Newspapers and television (many TV programs to choose according to your taste Comedy series today — no problem). For a good mood can just try to smile even if a little artificial. An hour has passed, the mood will rise, and the smile will become natural. By the way, this is a good test for the presence or lack of depression (ie, disease, which should be treated).
And all this to try to do constantly, developing a habit to the good. It's just bad habits there quietly, and leave (if leave) with great difficulty.
Source: /users/1077