The right seeds for a good harvest

How nice in the morning to reach the threshold and see the slender manicured rows of beds. And if it was so easy. Any garden and garden require enormous effort. But the most important and basic is to choose a good seeds. Save time and money and get a quality product, if you order seeds by mail. But planting and further care – it is an individual matter.
The neighbors in the bedsIn our time, much can be done online or, in extreme cases, newspaper. You can buy seeds by mail, you can also immediately "get" fertilizer and pots, if plants will be grown in the apartment. Moreover, a good Internet site will provide information not only about the seed itself, but also on how they plant, how to care, what fertilizer to use and how to deal with pests. Few people know, but if the right to plant vegetables and to choose certain "neighbors", the fight with the bugs and weeds will be easier. Namely:
- Colorado potato beetle is afraid of nasturtiums and marigolds, so it is better to place next to the potatoes. And garlic protects against late blight.
- Next to the strawberries is planted parsley, it deters from the delicious red fruits of the slugs.
- The onion gets on very well with carrots. Moreover, they save each other from pests.

But as in life, vegetables are good neighbors, and others aren't. Some crops simply cannot be planted next to each other. And if you don't know some of the nuances of a crop in your garden and can't wait.
- If the beds of carrots to place under the Apple tree, then carrots, and apples will taste bitter. Also carrots do not tolerate the neighborhood with the dill and cabbage.
- Onions should not be planted near beans and peas.
- The proximity of tomato and potato – a gift to the Colorado potato beetle. Besides, both plants can suffer from blight.
- Apple and pear is better not to plant next to the cherry, plum, apricot and cherry.
- Peppers and beans also suffer the same diseases, so they should not be placed next.
Source: /users/1077