Telegony — what you need to know the future parents
Laws RITA is the rune figurative meaning "the Vault of heavenly purity law of rod and Blood".
Laws RITA, in the modern world is called metaphorically-the only parameter of transmission of heredity, which correlated with the phenomenon Telegonia. I.e. from the Greek "tele" far and "Gonia" – the transfer of the image.
In the Vedas it is said: "Changing to a man or leading a promiscuous sexual lifestyle woman gets heart disease, blood, mental illness, and accumulating a variety of images of their partners, it destroys the original image of the future child, for layering of different images, the original image of the first men to blur. And if a man is promiscuous, he spends his wasted life energy, for the man during sex gives a woman the energy of one year of his life".
Phenomenon Telegonia again found in XIX century in England, a friend of Charles Darwin Lord Marton, who is under the influence of the ideas of his friend also decided to take up biology. He bred thoroughbred Mare with a stallion Zebra. Offspring did not work, after some time, when he was bred to an English stallion, the Mare brought zherebenok "Englishman", with obvious traces of stripes on the rump, like a Zebra. Lord Marton called this phenomenon Telegonia.
Up to 60-ies of the 20th century scientists from different countries have been many studies in which it was found that the effect telegonia applies to people. If anything, it appeared that inherited the outward signs of the first sexual partner, but in certain cases and diseases, particularly venereal, mental illness, diseases of the blood. As soon as it became scientifically established, all the research and publications on the problem telegonia were classified.
In families, for example, when the father brings up the child, carries out an educational conversation, he doesn't listen to him, and the angry dad says: "Well, who do you I am?". Absolutely not a question that is addressed: it is not the child it is necessary to ask a mother. Who was the first man in her life?
Remember how it was in Russia opened some of the recent 80 years ago. Used to come to Woo the bride. The first question asked of the bride's parents, "Your girl clean?" I mean – there are no images other men? Because it take in order for his race to continue, and not someone else.
From time immemorial our Ancestors knew that at the time of first intercourse in a girl's life, the man leaves the image of spirit and Blood and energy of the years of his life to three months was to consolidate the image of spirit and Blood, and energy 9-months – gestation fetus. The stamp is placed on all the eggs which a woman's body is.
In our Slavic-Aryan Vedas it is said:
"Do not let Strangers to your daughters, because they seduce your daughters and molest their Souls are Pure, and the Blood of the great Race ruin, because the first man in the daughter leaves images of the spirit and Blood Outlandish images of the Blood of the children of men shining Spirit casts, and mixing the Blood leads to destruction.. and this Genus, degenerating, dies without having healthy offspring, for it will not be the internal force that kills all ailments-diseases..." (Santee Vedas Perun Round 1, Santa 8, Slokas 11 and 12).Note, the virginity of men are not less important and significant than the purity of a woman. If the man suddenly decided to "work up", and then marry a virgin, the first sexual intercourse to his wife he sends a negative program (including a program of death if those women had an abortion and within 40 days had sexual intercourse) and the Quota from those women with whom he had an intimate relationship. Shiftless, dissolute women, as a rule, awarded Nadala, unhappy fate of women's because of numerous layers of different kinds of sexual energy and disease. Of course, as you know, here about the benefit of healthy posterity of the question.
Boys and girls previously trained in a special system. The girl said the boy is a future man, a future warrior, master, head of the family, the father of the family, children, God-the protector of the people. Therefore, it is necessary to love, respect, honor, as God. The girl was brought up in this way. And the boys said, girl is a future woman, future mother, is mistress, a Goddess-homemaker, is the future of the Lada – virgin. Therefore, it is necessary to love, respect and honor as a Goddess. And children is childhood perceived, absorbed.
When created not a marriage (a good deal not be called marriage), and marital Union, the relationship they had to each other as God and Goddess. And could between them be then friction and contradictions, if they are to each other as to God belong? No, of course. After all, the Slavs were not such, as Christians, that is forcibly married or forced married. This was the Christians, but not our Ancestors.
First, he went out where there are unmarried girls. Then arranged bride. And if they each other from the first glance like, then it is agreed about the wedding (the WEDDING of heaven (SVA) is an Act of the Gods). And the most important thing in family Union in addition to love was the blessing of their parents. And — extra is already the blessing of God.
The woman receives from the man a energy of the year. This energy it activates certain strength, gives the Female Share, which includes all Knowledge available in the female line of the spouse (mother, Babak, great-grandmother, great-great...) and the woman, radiating this power in man, it opens a channel of energy from Kind, i.e., awards man of the Male Lobes. Ie not only the man gives the woman life energy, but the woman also gives the man she's the man opens the channels of communication with the Cosmos, where it gets energy. Therefore say: a man makes a girl a woman, and the woman makes the boy a man. That is, everything is interconnected. Plus the baby is born, dad is in the process of communication with the child gets what the child additional channels opens, and dad still gets more energy from the Cosmos. And dad thus restores his energy in the life, which he gave to the woman for bearing a child. Therefore, it was said: 16 give birth to children, you 16 extra channels will open ie you will feed all 16 channels of your energonasos system. Therefore, every man dreamed to have hereditary circle.
But now our girls and women intimidated that childbirth is blood, pain, fear, suffering, so much negativity was brought that one reminder about childbirth now women leads to a state of horror.
But no one mentions the reason that every born child rejuvenates a woman's body for 3 years. She becomes younger. Some are already 30 years old believe that giving birth is already too late. And the wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair in 49 years gave birth to a healthy child.
Many people today think that telegonia — it is nonsense. Alas. One young 30-year-old man believed that all this is nonsense, because he felt that he had more than 100 women, so he would have to live to 130 years at least, and that in his view, impossible. But Our Ancestors lived in Circles – one circle 144 years, the second circle is 288 years old, third round – 432, and so on. Academician Pavlov said that the death of up to 150 – should be considered violent. After a while his comrades told us that he died, like, he conjured up — was a no-hitter, jinxed and stuff like that. To the man and realized that he has burned all his years of life. This is not a joke and not a toy. But when one constant woman, and a spouse – then there is no consumption of vital energy. Therefore, in order his life as not to waste the always its Lada-Mother, loving, favorite, always the guardian of your spouse, then no flow will be. And such a man will live long because of the travel.
Youth now all this hiding. Man, running to the side, depriving his wife of life support on its part and, respectively, shortens and complicates your life. Fully and spending his life in pleasure, he dying before their time. Now men live very little. And promiscuity is one of the reasons for nadaguides men.
The more at you sexual partners, the higher the probability to take on other people's negative vibrations and sexual infection. Men, leading a double life, there are usually diseases of the genitourinary areas. In addition to his illness, his wife, as a rule, the tumor in the uterus, the mistress — a cyst on the ovary. I have written to you not from the ceiling, data, and real examples of people turning to us for help. The same applies to women leading a dissolute life. This morning she was meeting a lover in the evening — the performance of "conjugal duties". In the end, multiply all the negative energy on each other, this affects most of all children. Girls from poor lifestyle and thoughts are passed on the fate of issues and programs relationship is wrong to the man from my mom.
Fortunately, now more and more people are starting to Wake up and think, "what am I doing?! Who benefits?", begin to understand how it works, to live according to conscience, to purify and to engage in spiritual growth. And it's very good.
To cleanse himself of the alien images of spirit and blood, we first need to once and for all decide that a harmonious family is important. You must begin to think correctly, based on the experience of our Ancestors and the Knowledge of Vedic culture. Then you need to seek the spouse with whom you will go on your Way. It is clear now that in the pair will dominate the development, because alone to restore something difficult.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: apocalypse-2012.com/man_and_woman/family.html
Laws RITA, in the modern world is called metaphorically-the only parameter of transmission of heredity, which correlated with the phenomenon Telegonia. I.e. from the Greek "tele" far and "Gonia" – the transfer of the image.
In the Vedas it is said: "Changing to a man or leading a promiscuous sexual lifestyle woman gets heart disease, blood, mental illness, and accumulating a variety of images of their partners, it destroys the original image of the future child, for layering of different images, the original image of the first men to blur. And if a man is promiscuous, he spends his wasted life energy, for the man during sex gives a woman the energy of one year of his life".

Phenomenon Telegonia again found in XIX century in England, a friend of Charles Darwin Lord Marton, who is under the influence of the ideas of his friend also decided to take up biology. He bred thoroughbred Mare with a stallion Zebra. Offspring did not work, after some time, when he was bred to an English stallion, the Mare brought zherebenok "Englishman", with obvious traces of stripes on the rump, like a Zebra. Lord Marton called this phenomenon Telegonia.
Up to 60-ies of the 20th century scientists from different countries have been many studies in which it was found that the effect telegonia applies to people. If anything, it appeared that inherited the outward signs of the first sexual partner, but in certain cases and diseases, particularly venereal, mental illness, diseases of the blood. As soon as it became scientifically established, all the research and publications on the problem telegonia were classified.
In families, for example, when the father brings up the child, carries out an educational conversation, he doesn't listen to him, and the angry dad says: "Well, who do you I am?". Absolutely not a question that is addressed: it is not the child it is necessary to ask a mother. Who was the first man in her life?
Remember how it was in Russia opened some of the recent 80 years ago. Used to come to Woo the bride. The first question asked of the bride's parents, "Your girl clean?" I mean – there are no images other men? Because it take in order for his race to continue, and not someone else.
From time immemorial our Ancestors knew that at the time of first intercourse in a girl's life, the man leaves the image of spirit and Blood and energy of the years of his life to three months was to consolidate the image of spirit and Blood, and energy 9-months – gestation fetus. The stamp is placed on all the eggs which a woman's body is.
In our Slavic-Aryan Vedas it is said:
"Do not let Strangers to your daughters, because they seduce your daughters and molest their Souls are Pure, and the Blood of the great Race ruin, because the first man in the daughter leaves images of the spirit and Blood Outlandish images of the Blood of the children of men shining Spirit casts, and mixing the Blood leads to destruction.. and this Genus, degenerating, dies without having healthy offspring, for it will not be the internal force that kills all ailments-diseases..." (Santee Vedas Perun Round 1, Santa 8, Slokas 11 and 12).Note, the virginity of men are not less important and significant than the purity of a woman. If the man suddenly decided to "work up", and then marry a virgin, the first sexual intercourse to his wife he sends a negative program (including a program of death if those women had an abortion and within 40 days had sexual intercourse) and the Quota from those women with whom he had an intimate relationship. Shiftless, dissolute women, as a rule, awarded Nadala, unhappy fate of women's because of numerous layers of different kinds of sexual energy and disease. Of course, as you know, here about the benefit of healthy posterity of the question.
Boys and girls previously trained in a special system. The girl said the boy is a future man, a future warrior, master, head of the family, the father of the family, children, God-the protector of the people. Therefore, it is necessary to love, respect, honor, as God. The girl was brought up in this way. And the boys said, girl is a future woman, future mother, is mistress, a Goddess-homemaker, is the future of the Lada – virgin. Therefore, it is necessary to love, respect and honor as a Goddess. And children is childhood perceived, absorbed.
When created not a marriage (a good deal not be called marriage), and marital Union, the relationship they had to each other as God and Goddess. And could between them be then friction and contradictions, if they are to each other as to God belong? No, of course. After all, the Slavs were not such, as Christians, that is forcibly married or forced married. This was the Christians, but not our Ancestors.
First, he went out where there are unmarried girls. Then arranged bride. And if they each other from the first glance like, then it is agreed about the wedding (the WEDDING of heaven (SVA) is an Act of the Gods). And the most important thing in family Union in addition to love was the blessing of their parents. And — extra is already the blessing of God.
The woman receives from the man a energy of the year. This energy it activates certain strength, gives the Female Share, which includes all Knowledge available in the female line of the spouse (mother, Babak, great-grandmother, great-great...) and the woman, radiating this power in man, it opens a channel of energy from Kind, i.e., awards man of the Male Lobes. Ie not only the man gives the woman life energy, but the woman also gives the man she's the man opens the channels of communication with the Cosmos, where it gets energy. Therefore say: a man makes a girl a woman, and the woman makes the boy a man. That is, everything is interconnected. Plus the baby is born, dad is in the process of communication with the child gets what the child additional channels opens, and dad still gets more energy from the Cosmos. And dad thus restores his energy in the life, which he gave to the woman for bearing a child. Therefore, it was said: 16 give birth to children, you 16 extra channels will open ie you will feed all 16 channels of your energonasos system. Therefore, every man dreamed to have hereditary circle.
But now our girls and women intimidated that childbirth is blood, pain, fear, suffering, so much negativity was brought that one reminder about childbirth now women leads to a state of horror.
But no one mentions the reason that every born child rejuvenates a woman's body for 3 years. She becomes younger. Some are already 30 years old believe that giving birth is already too late. And the wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair in 49 years gave birth to a healthy child.
Many people today think that telegonia — it is nonsense. Alas. One young 30-year-old man believed that all this is nonsense, because he felt that he had more than 100 women, so he would have to live to 130 years at least, and that in his view, impossible. But Our Ancestors lived in Circles – one circle 144 years, the second circle is 288 years old, third round – 432, and so on. Academician Pavlov said that the death of up to 150 – should be considered violent. After a while his comrades told us that he died, like, he conjured up — was a no-hitter, jinxed and stuff like that. To the man and realized that he has burned all his years of life. This is not a joke and not a toy. But when one constant woman, and a spouse – then there is no consumption of vital energy. Therefore, in order his life as not to waste the always its Lada-Mother, loving, favorite, always the guardian of your spouse, then no flow will be. And such a man will live long because of the travel.
Youth now all this hiding. Man, running to the side, depriving his wife of life support on its part and, respectively, shortens and complicates your life. Fully and spending his life in pleasure, he dying before their time. Now men live very little. And promiscuity is one of the reasons for nadaguides men.
The more at you sexual partners, the higher the probability to take on other people's negative vibrations and sexual infection. Men, leading a double life, there are usually diseases of the genitourinary areas. In addition to his illness, his wife, as a rule, the tumor in the uterus, the mistress — a cyst on the ovary. I have written to you not from the ceiling, data, and real examples of people turning to us for help. The same applies to women leading a dissolute life. This morning she was meeting a lover in the evening — the performance of "conjugal duties". In the end, multiply all the negative energy on each other, this affects most of all children. Girls from poor lifestyle and thoughts are passed on the fate of issues and programs relationship is wrong to the man from my mom.
Fortunately, now more and more people are starting to Wake up and think, "what am I doing?! Who benefits?", begin to understand how it works, to live according to conscience, to purify and to engage in spiritual growth. And it's very good.
To cleanse himself of the alien images of spirit and blood, we first need to once and for all decide that a harmonious family is important. You must begin to think correctly, based on the experience of our Ancestors and the Knowledge of Vedic culture. Then you need to seek the spouse with whom you will go on your Way. It is clear now that in the pair will dominate the development, because alone to restore something difficult.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: apocalypse-2012.com/man_and_woman/family.html