Unmanned electric car Tesla will appear in the summer

The founder of Tesla's Elon Musk held a conference at which he announced that the cars series Тesla Model S will be equipped with autopilot. Trip without driver will be available with the new software for electric vehicles. In addition, drivers will receive more detailed information about power consumption.
The update will be available this summer. On assurance of developers, innovative autopilot "technically capable of providing the trip from Parking space to Parking space". In addition, the "car delivery" when Tesla goes on their own, to expand on an unprepared Parking lot.
Smart Tesla S will allow the driver to drive on freeways, removing hands from the steering wheel and the foot with gas and brake pedals. In addition, the car can be call from the garage with your smartphone, and Park it will also be able. But to use these functions while the will be allowed only on private property and not public Parking. published
Source: greenevolution.ru
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