Elon Musk: the burning of fossil fuels is the stupidest experiment ever
Seventy three million two hundred seventy three thousand five hundred forty three
Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX and Chairman of SolarCity, "the billionaire philanthropist" who send people to Mars, believes that we do not need ecologically motivated reason for the transition to clean energy. Maybe one day we're gonna run out of oil; what to find out, if we destroy the world in that way, if the alternative exists?
"If we can find a solution to the burning oil for transport, it will end, the economy will collapse and society will come to an end, said this week Musk during the conversation with the astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson. — If we know inevitably we run out of oil, why continue this crazy experiment to change the chemical composition of the atmosphere and oceans by adding massive amounts of carbon dioxide which has been buried since the Precambrian era? It's crazy. This is the dumbest experiment ever at the moment".Tyson said, "Can you imagine the stupid experiment?", he asked the Mask. "To be honest, I can not" — said Musk.
With their charging stations SolarCity (his company solar energy), Musk plans to create a "gigaframe", which will supply batteries for electric vehicles will represent an extraordinary financial interest in the future of clean energy. Musk seeks to develop clean energy, because they realize that fossil fuels not only pollute the world, but will end one day.
And he's probably right. Obviously, if we continue to pump carbon dioxide and other emissions into the air at the same speed, there will be something catastrophic.
Perhaps the sea levels will rise, oceans will podcasts, the weather becomes intolerable, the heat is also going to flare up forest fires and drought. Maybe developing countries will be in a difficult situation due to impending climate change. Maybe it will not happen soon, and maybe not going to happen.
Jason Kubler with the Motherboard says that the comments the Mask reminded him of a time when he was visited by another pioneer of clean energy, which, at first glance, cared little about the impact of burning fossil fuels on the environment. We don't know, but Roscoe Bartlett was one of the pioneers of the space race, worked at IBM in his youth and became a 20-year U.S. Congressman from Maryland.
Today he is 88 years old and he lives in obscurity somewhere in West Virginia. He was the first Congressman who drove a Prius, his home runs solely on solar energy and the water that he drinks, he pumps his own. Bartlett is a conservative, and it doesn't matter whether the climate is changing because of the people, and if changes at all.
When Kebler visited him in his residence last year, Bartlett spoke about his life and that in 1957 he was inspired by Hyman Rickover, Admiral of the Navy, which played an important role in the development of nuclear submarines.
"Our civilization relies on a technological base which requires enormous quantities of fossil fuels, said Rickover. — The simple fact that fossil fuels are limited, the exact length of time that it is available, plays an important role: the longer it is, the more we will have time to develop new renewable energy sources and changes of our economy, which must be displaced in this way."Bartlett has spent a significant part of his life, promoting alternative fuels. Not because I care about the environment, but because they realized that American scientists and business can get rich by developing something new and better. They have the means, financial incentives and the need to move to clean energy.
Musk knows it, and there, behind the hill, everybody knows it. We at school know that oil will ever end. Why don't we finish this experiment, which will lead to imminent death, and did not find anything else? What needs to happen in our country was born Elon Musk, which will lead us to a clean future? published
Source: hi-news.ru
Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX and Chairman of SolarCity, "the billionaire philanthropist" who send people to Mars, believes that we do not need ecologically motivated reason for the transition to clean energy. Maybe one day we're gonna run out of oil; what to find out, if we destroy the world in that way, if the alternative exists?
"If we can find a solution to the burning oil for transport, it will end, the economy will collapse and society will come to an end, said this week Musk during the conversation with the astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson. — If we know inevitably we run out of oil, why continue this crazy experiment to change the chemical composition of the atmosphere and oceans by adding massive amounts of carbon dioxide which has been buried since the Precambrian era? It's crazy. This is the dumbest experiment ever at the moment".Tyson said, "Can you imagine the stupid experiment?", he asked the Mask. "To be honest, I can not" — said Musk.
With their charging stations SolarCity (his company solar energy), Musk plans to create a "gigaframe", which will supply batteries for electric vehicles will represent an extraordinary financial interest in the future of clean energy. Musk seeks to develop clean energy, because they realize that fossil fuels not only pollute the world, but will end one day.
And he's probably right. Obviously, if we continue to pump carbon dioxide and other emissions into the air at the same speed, there will be something catastrophic.
Perhaps the sea levels will rise, oceans will podcasts, the weather becomes intolerable, the heat is also going to flare up forest fires and drought. Maybe developing countries will be in a difficult situation due to impending climate change. Maybe it will not happen soon, and maybe not going to happen.
Jason Kubler with the Motherboard says that the comments the Mask reminded him of a time when he was visited by another pioneer of clean energy, which, at first glance, cared little about the impact of burning fossil fuels on the environment. We don't know, but Roscoe Bartlett was one of the pioneers of the space race, worked at IBM in his youth and became a 20-year U.S. Congressman from Maryland.
Today he is 88 years old and he lives in obscurity somewhere in West Virginia. He was the first Congressman who drove a Prius, his home runs solely on solar energy and the water that he drinks, he pumps his own. Bartlett is a conservative, and it doesn't matter whether the climate is changing because of the people, and if changes at all.
When Kebler visited him in his residence last year, Bartlett spoke about his life and that in 1957 he was inspired by Hyman Rickover, Admiral of the Navy, which played an important role in the development of nuclear submarines.
"Our civilization relies on a technological base which requires enormous quantities of fossil fuels, said Rickover. — The simple fact that fossil fuels are limited, the exact length of time that it is available, plays an important role: the longer it is, the more we will have time to develop new renewable energy sources and changes of our economy, which must be displaced in this way."Bartlett has spent a significant part of his life, promoting alternative fuels. Not because I care about the environment, but because they realized that American scientists and business can get rich by developing something new and better. They have the means, financial incentives and the need to move to clean energy.
Musk knows it, and there, behind the hill, everybody knows it. We at school know that oil will ever end. Why don't we finish this experiment, which will lead to imminent death, and did not find anything else? What needs to happen in our country was born Elon Musk, which will lead us to a clean future? published
Source: hi-news.ru
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