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Look younger: 5 simple rules

Eight million one hundred seventy three thousand twelve

So, how to restore youth and get rid of all signs of aging: physical and, more importantly, psychological?

For a start, it is useful to dotage, and stop doing the serious face — at a certain age it does not paint a woman. Decide right now on an experiment and then maybe you will again feel the taste of life that has been lost over the years "serious adult" existence. Not the fact that tomorrow you will remember, and will adhere to these rules, but every time you return to them, your eyes will Shine those mischievous hooligans with a fire that makes such attractive faces of children and young people. And, by the way, the more you will use them in life, the better it goes – these rules apply in any area. Because youth and beauty – the concept of the system.

OK, start:

1) Look at my eyes on the interlocutors. If you don't remember how it's done, remember the faces of their children as they look at you. As they look at the world with open mouth, wide open eyes of amazement, remember how they sincerely admire you. And you give them all your love, protection – whatever you need. Big eyes and childish round face is attractive to a huge number of people and evoke positive emotions. Look at her husband, even if you have lived with him for 15 years, and nothing but the boredom you have it causes. If you want to change this situation, to make life brighter for her husband, and, above all, for himself – look at him with delight.

With delight I accept any comment. "How clever you are, it's something!"said one young lady in General companies looking for your lover and laughing every silly joke of his. And he beamed with happiness, and all the legal men at this point quietly envied him. Because of their saprogenic rarely wait for the rapture. We do all that under-loved, adolescencia – either parents or loved ones, so this is a little like a compliment and an enthusiastic person can work wonders. Especially in relation to men.

As he wrote Agatha Christie "In the case of men of flattery not much happens." The enthusiastic smile, the compliment is now equal to business-weapons – did you know that psychologists teach their trainees from among businessmen, high-ranking officials, people who want to achieve more in your life – learn to make a compliment? John Maxwell, expert on leadership, there is a special rule of establishing effective communications – usually the first 30 seconds when meeting a person, you have to make a compliment – no matter what: car, hour, eyes, velvet voice, etc. And then the person will automatically feel the location to you.

When Allan Pease at my invitation, conducted in Kazan master classes "to Read a person like a book" for a business audience, a third of the speech was devoted to the value of a Smile in the life of a successful person. Everyone thought that he was going to teach neuro-linguistic programming, and we will be able to affect the brain of a partner... And he was taught to smile, because the brain is such a little impact is better than hypnosis, NLP and antidepressant together. Who look enthusiastic? The husband, if the roads, potential Boyfriends, bosses, business partners, and children in common at all.

2) fool around! Bully, be like children, play with their children in all their casual games. And don't think about what you say housemates and others, they just envy you. They do not see in this moment the mother with the child, they see a YOUNG mother with a child, and that changes everything. Often go on nature, be curious, enthusiastic.

3) be Interested in everything. Young — they want everything, what prevents us from at least WANTING? Thus, we open your brain to a new. The notorious expansion of consciousness is achieved not only by meditation. One only "I want!"erases obstacles and limitations in our brain. And stop reading women's magazines with articles about "33 ways to deliver a man pleasure" (although it is in life not hurt). Look at what men read and develop their intellectual potential. The world is rapidly progressing, and women's gloss is still wrinkled somewhere in the kitchen, on catwalks and in wardrobes of the stars. Well, the art serves us as spiritual food.

And he reads your man? The magazine "Forbes" and "Popular mechanics"... just an enthusiastic person will ATTRACT people to you, but they LINGER near intelligent and advanced people, because we all want to grow. No one wants to deal with Cinderella. Your ambition, your intelligence, your keen interest in inspiring man, provided that you at the same time an enthusiastic person, not a contemptuous mask.

3) do Not complain about life, business, husband, children, appearance, etc. What the Genie you'll thus in the vessel desires? Gina failure, disgusting failure of a life, where the main acting character is you, loser. Yes, with his own hands, or rather mouth, you predict the future, cursing the present or the past. We have already talked about the cells of the brain and the signals that it receives and sends. Speaking of negativity, thinking about the negative, you focus only on the negative, activate only these "cells" of the brain. And only negative signals your brain sends in the space around you. Well then something can change, especially for the better?

There is a good saying that the subconscious does not understand jokes. And if you say that everything is bad, in the hope that you will regret and will come to the rescue, then rest assured – you will not regret and will not come. You don't give chance for the subconscious to correct the situation. That's why, to improve the situation, including raising self-esteem, it is important to give thanks for the inexhaustible good, which is given to us. "All people as people, and I again beautiful!"says the TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, looking at myself in the mirror in the morning. And it works! Feel free to make compliments and start first with yourself.

Say like a mantra, as a prayer every day those characteristics that correspond to you actually: young, beautiful, successful, slim... Adjust yourself to what you really want to be. Yes, brazenly, impudently praising yourself and never, even as a joke, not criticizing your looks, character, mental capacity, life, etc. Remember the effect of advertising messages – when a movie about the miracle cleaner we will show for the thousandth time, we really will seem that this vacuum is a miracle. As for the problems — so it invigorates and tones, when there is something to improve and bring to perfection. Any situation can benefit, isn't it?

And do not communicate with those who complains about life. Look, you have in your life time is not enough to live the tasty, useful, and breathe. Who is it aiming at your chest gravestone of their problems? Failure is contagious. And if you don't know how to help the person, give him a chance for yourself to understand. It is his karma, his life, his fate teaches something. All these "intimate" conversations about the troubles and failures — a tremendous outflow of energy in a depressive-aggressive morass, which will sink both. All we can give in such cases is to encourage the person to say that you believe in him. All we can do is send him love. Everything else in the hands of the individual, God and a professional psychologist.

4) to be in a good mood. As we say in yoga class — smile with your brain. Any situation can benefit, so by and large the reasons for the bad mood may be enough, but the best from him – no. Adjust the brain benefits, it allows to solve many problems.

5) Be easy on the rise. My girlfriend, a fashion designer Katya Borisova likes to say, "Spontaneity is a sign of youth!". Once she called me and offered to meet, but I was so swamped with work, problems that have arisen, which, of course, refused. What Kate and given that the phrase "Spontaneity is a sign of youth." It was a precise hit to the point of pain – who among us does not want to be young, carefree girl with her whole life ahead of you?

I immediately went to her to talk with an intelligent man – a great blessing during these meetings with authoritative people in your life is something that I call insight, insight. It's extremely useful for life, but even more useful for businesses, because routine and narrow gauge exist prevent to hear the inner voice, intuition. The answer comes not when struggling with the problem, forcing a decision. The answer often comes when you are completely disconnected, distracted from this problem. That's why it's important to be easy going, be open for everything new.

Tell the world – Yes! Say "Yes!"the moment you say "Yes!"any offer that comes to you says Mikhail Litvak. That no offer – just do it. This is a good signal to the Universe that you need everything. Amazing, absolutely effective law, stick to it recommend and psychologists, and psychics.

For me personally, it has caused even a proposal to run for Deputy from the same party, although politics, I do not have a relationship. Just continuing to agree, I even became the "face of the party"! I successfully completed my "career", because flirting with politics is nice, but with politicians, not so much. published 

Source: www.cross-club.ru/library/article/kak-vyglyadet-molozhe