TOP 10 "forbidden fruit" for Your child
At the age of fifteen years, the parents transferred the child to a specialized baby food on the table, and often make a mistake in choosing food suitable to the baby.
Preference should be given to products of high nutritional and biological value, enriched with vitamins and micronutrients, containing in the composition of exclusively iodized salt and of course that will not be the opening of specialized products for baby food.
In order to avoid mistakes and to develop correct relationship with food in a child, parents need to know TOP 10 banned products and components included in their composition, and therefore to carefully read the label of products: High danger (harmful effects on the Central nervous system) 1. Products containing ethyl alcohol in an amount of more than 0.2% kvass, koumiss, kefir.
2. Coffee, caffeine, soft drinks, foods with tonic additives (containing Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, etc.): first, these foods include carbonated drinks brands.
The average degree of risk (likelihood of developing diseases of the circulatory system, digestive tract, and carcinogenesis) 3. Foods containing hydrogenated (partially hydrogenated) fats, margarine, pastry fats, pastry, bakery products, crackers.
4. Fried in fat (oil, fried food): pies, donuts, fries, chips.
Low hazard (one-time use is not likely to entail negative consequences for the organism, but the systematic consumption contributes to child's junk food preferences) 5. Smoked, smoked, smoked, boiled-smoked, cooked sausages, frankfurters (except for special "baby food": these foods contain a lot of fat, salt and food additives.
6. Foods with pungent spices (mustard, horseradish, chili pepper (red, black, white) and sharp (pungent) condiments containing food products) or with vinegar: spicy sauces, mayonnaise, snack bars, canned food, pickled vegetables.
7. Foods with food additives: preservatives — E200-Е266 and Е280-Е283; phosphates E338-343, E450-452, E542, colouring — E102, E104, E110, E122, E124, E129; sweeteners (exceptions are children who are products with sweeteners medically necessary, for example, children with overweight or diabetes).
8. Meat products with added collagen protein and collagen containing raw material is a protein with low biological value. The label can be labeled "pork skin" or "animal protein".
9. Dairy products, including curd cheese and ice cream based on vegetable fat — no fat-soluble vitamins that exist in milk fat.
10. Candy, including candy. Has a direct impact on the development of caries.
Parents should learn how to distinguish children's products from pseudobetckea, are widely represented in the stores. For example, often the manufacturer puts on the label picture of a child, gives a "baby name", wherein the product contains a set of ingredients, suitable not even for every adult. So you should remember though that the label specialized baby food should be provided the wording "a product designed for baby food" and age recommendations for use. published
Source: roscontrol.com/community/article/top-10-zapretnih-plodov-dlya-vashego-rebenka/