Black sangria the centerpiece of Your table

To this delicate drink is exclusive, use our recipe. There is wine and fruit, a bright color and an amazing selection of ingredients will make her a table decoration.
You will need:
1 bottle of red wine
a glass of BlackBerry
a Cup of black grapes
3 dark plum
1/4 Cup brandy or cognac
1 Cup mineral water (if you want to make a cocktail so strong)
All fruits should be well washed, and plums cut into slices (each 4 pieces). Add all the ingredients into the jug and stir with a large spoon. Now leave the cocktail in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, at this time, the sangria is getting darker and darker. Here's a basic recipe and original result! published
Source: www.facebook.com/lefkadiafarm/photos/a.1457008851196054.1073741828.1456877317875874/1632436023653335/?type=1&theater