How You young: the test for determining biological age
Scientists believe that the number of lived person-years says little about his true age. If everything is decided by a completely different age — biological. His clock is "ticking" in the brain and muscles, and are not determined by entry in the passport.
There are several methods for determining the biological age. Some of them are pretty accurate, but cumbersome. To conduct them, require complex instrumentation, as it takes into account many different indicators of the functioning of the body: blood pressure, respiratory function, body mass, accommodation, hearing threshold, etc. But there are easier methods that allow you to determine your approximate biotrust almost at home with four exercises.
With tightly closed eyes — it is very important stand on the right or left leg. Lift the other leg about 10 inches off the floor. Your partner should measure the time during which you will be able to stand on the foot:
30 seconds or more — your age corresponds to 20-year-old man;
— 20 seconds — 40 years;
— 15 seconds — 50 years;
— less than 10 seconds — 60 years and older.
Quick response
Your partner holds a ruler 50 cm long on the "0" mark straight down. Your hand is approximately 10 cm below. As soon as the partner releases the ruler, you try to grab it with thumb and forefinger.
— If you grabbed the line at 20 cm — your biological age is 20 years;
— at around 25 cm to 30 years;
— at around 35 cm — 40 years;
— at around 45 cm — 60 years.
5 seconds pinch the thumb and forefinger the skin at the back of the hand. The skin turns white a bit. Note how much time it will take to the white spot on the skin has regained some of its former color:
— 5 seconds — you are about 30 years;
8 seconds — 40 years;
— 10 seconds — about 50 years;
15 seconds — about 60 years.
Bend forward, bending feet in knees, hands and try to touch the floor.
— If you manage to put your hands fully on the floor, your biological age between 20 and 30 years;
— if you touch the floor only fingers — you nearly 40 years;
— if you reach only up to your knees — are you over 60 years.
That's all. Maybe if you don't like the results, you will finally your health. After some time, you can repeat the exercises of the test. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: tanya-morozova.livejournal.com/122263.html
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